“Gorillas like to snuggle. Every night, they make a big nest of leaves and grass, then gather in a sleepy pile.”
“Gorillas like to snuggle. Every night, they make a big nest of leaves and grass, then gather in a sleepy pile.”
This book can be interesting I would offer it in my reading center but not necessarily incorporate it into a lesson.
The illustrations used in this book help connect the text to what each animal depicted does during sleep. The text uses bold print to identify each animal and the captions give brief descriptions of the way the animals sleep as well as how long they sleep for. At the end of the book, it provides more facts other than sleep on each animal!
I would Definitely include this book in my future classroom. Because children phone animals so interesting, I think it‘s a good topic. It also holds information to knowing more about this world and the creatures in it.
This is a children‘s non-fiction book on animals. It is very detailed and creative. It includes illustrations of the different animals sleeping. It is accurate and informative.
This book would be good for 2nd and 3rd graders because the pages are longer and have more facts. This might be hard for younger students to follow along with all of the details in the book. Its a great book for children to read!
This is a nonfiction childrens book. This is a very educational book for kids to learn about and still be interested. Kids are able to read this and still learn a lot about the different animals. All the information is very up to date so its good for children to learn about.
I liked the end of the book that says where will you fall asleep tonight becuase it gives children the chance to expand their thinking
I would use this book for kindergarteners before nap time to get them in the mood to fall asleep and wind down
This is a nonfiction book that explains how animals sleep. it shows all different pictures of them sleeping
This nonfiction book covers a good content area about animals and steps or processes they go through during rest times. Kids of all ages can find this enjoyable to read and the accuracy is great! It also includes all of the necessary significant facts to keep kids informed well in this topic area!
This book is amazing to have kids to relate to but still learn with. It‘s content is intriguing and gives you lots of knowledge to the natural world around us but relates it back to kids at home as well!
“At bedtime, the koala sometimes wedges itself between the branches of a tree so it won‘t tumble out in its sleep.”
Time to Sleep was written by Steve Jenkins and published in 2011. The book describes a number of different animals and their best habits for falling asleep. The children would find it interesting to hear about the different ways animals sleep. Children could relate by discussing how they fall asleep.
“To stay warm, the red fox sleeps with its long, busy tail wrapped around its nose. Heads... or tails?”
This book was super cute! The illustrations were adorable! This is a topic I would have never through to teach children, but it is so interesting!
Time to Sleep by Steve Jenkins is a piece of nonfiction. It was published in 2011. This book explains that just how we need sleep as humans, animals need sleep as well. It then continues on and describes how and when a bunch of different animals sleep in their different environments. This is an easy book to start in the middle and learn about a specific animal.
This book I thought was very interesting. Often times us humans do not get enough sleep. It is weird to imagine only sleeping 2 hours a night like a giraffe.
“Like all mammals, the bottlenose dolphin breathes air. As it sleeps, one half of its brain stays awake to tell the dolphin when it is time to surface. The two halves of its brain take turns sleeping.“
The illustrations in this book are so simplistic and feature only the animal and where they sleep. They are very eye-appealing and not too overwhelming to look at. I enjoyed reading this book along with its aesthetic illustrations.
I enjoyed this book! I like how it was all about animal's sleep schedules, without just putting facts on a page. This book allows children to learn about how animals interact in their habitat, specifically sleeping.
When you come to a fork in the tree...At bedtime, the koala sometimes wedges itself between the branches of a tree so it won't tumble out in its sleep.
I loved how this book did not just list facts at the reader. It felt like I was reading a story but it contained facts about each of the animals. I also liked how their was more information in the back of the book about each animal because then a child can read more facts about an animal they love or are curious about.
I loved this nonfiction book about different types of animals sleeping schedules. I liked how it had facts about land animals, water animals, and flying animals about how long they sleep for, where they sleep, and the position of their body when they sleep. In the back of the book, there are paragraphs with more facts about each of the animals presented in the book to learn more about each animals.
I really liked this book. I love how each animal has a fun fact but is also worded in a way that would appeal to children
“Gorillas like to snuggle. Every night, they make a big next of leaves and grass, then gather in a sleepy pile.”
This can be great in a classroom for whole group reading time that can be paired with an activity that has to do with studying animals.
This book looks at how animals fall asleep and how their sleeping patterns and habits are different. This book has lots of facts but is presented in a fun, wholesome way that keeps kids engaged and intrigued.
Informational and easy for children to read. Makes learning information about animals sleeping fun and enjoyable.
2011, nonfiction. Cute and simple book telling about the many ways different animals sleep. Has a detailed drawing of each animal sleeping with a short paragraph explaining how they sleep.
I love the use of this to show children animals they might not be familiar with and provide them with some information on it!
Published in 2011, this nonfiction book includes illustrations made by torn and cut paper collage to show detail and draw children into not only the picture but the text as well. This book includes a plethora of animals and descriptions of them for children to learn a little about each! It also includes captions and questions, and different fonts to draw attention to certain words or phrases!