i love his writing style it‘s like having a conversation
i love his writing style it‘s like having a conversation
I'm really on the fence about this book. It had some good parts and bad, but I found myself skipping pages. His first book tweak was much more interesting and captured the readers attention.
I really like Nic Sheff‘s writing and following his journey through addiction and recovery. This was a really good follow up to all of his other work. I like how relatable he is and his style of writing.
This is the first signed book I ever got. I‘m doing this FB challenge and posting here as well. I loved this book. So I read the first one ‘Tweak‘ and his fathers book ‘BeautifulBoy‘ after hearing him speak at a youth symposium. Interesting stuff.
Not as well written as tweak. I almost think he loses his edge when he is sober. He has two fiction books out that I want to read. I wonder how he is at writing about made up characters? I applaud his effort to stay clean. I know from reading tweak, it is a constant battle for him!