I'm really on the fence about this book. It had some good parts and bad, but I found myself skipping pages. His first book tweak was much more interesting and captured the readers attention.
I'm really on the fence about this book. It had some good parts and bad, but I found myself skipping pages. His first book tweak was much more interesting and captured the readers attention.
Great book, well written. I could not put this book down. So Interesting how his life began and ended, who he knew and the struggles he went through.
After about a year wait for this book I can finally finish the series
I found the book a little slow. Over all I enjoyed it though. I have never seen the movie but I hope it's a bit more exciting than the book
I feel like everyone should read this book at some point in there life. Very interesting how your body reacts to stress and the issues it can cause. Very eye opening.
One of my favourite quotes: " if you are honest, people may deceive you. Be honest anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfishness. Be kind anyway. All the good you do today will be forgotten by others tomorrow. Do good anyway. What you create, others can destroy. Create anyway. Because in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and anyone else anyway."