This N.F., inspirational book, Resist, is full of different stories of people who have dealt with bullies, tyranny, and harm. This book presents their stories and how they're able to stand up to those who hurting them or their community. A perfect quote that I absolutely loved from the book was “You may only be one person, but you have the power to change the world.” I believe this is the perfect quote to inspired students.
ztorres This book is great for A.S., teachers can have students be divided and student the author's life and the different stories shared in the book. It will allow students to connect and understand the cause of the author's point of view. Especially that is something that is being seen so often now. This story includes UDL‘s strategy 7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity. 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge. 4y
ztorres ESOL strategy: Have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important facts and information. Use student pairs for team learning, especially for reports, experiments, and projects. Provide biographies of significant men and women from different countries. 4y
AlexRobinson This sounds like an A-MAZ-ING read!!! I love to encourage students to read these types of books and to keep them in my classroom. It‘s important to show the “not pretty” side of the world and that people have over come it, just like our students can. It also opens GREAT conversations and discussions I think are necessary in our classrooms! 4y