A great find at the Dollar Tree. My daughter absolutely loved it! Never underestimate the books at the dollar tree. Perfect time to buy some books and gift them this season. Happy reading y'all!!
A great find at the Dollar Tree. My daughter absolutely loved it! Never underestimate the books at the dollar tree. Perfect time to buy some books and gift them this season. Happy reading y'all!!
Another two great books were found at the dollar tree. Keep your eyes open the next time you shop at the dollar tree. Happy Reading!!!
I found this great book at Dollar Tree. Always stay on the lookout. You never know what you will find. 😊
Proud of you Mom!!! Such an amazing children's book. I can't wait to see what other book collection you come out with! #sigridmoore #victoriaandthegreensquad #amustread
This RL, New York Times Best Time Seller book, All Are Welcome Here is a phenomenal book that teaches students about inclusion no matter where they come from or who they are. The teacher can do LC because it provides time for expression. Students can ask questions and the teacher can go further into the lesson. This book is a must-have to have in the classroom.
This TL, Jack and the Beanstalk, Juan y Los frijoles magicos, this book retells the classic story of Jack and the Beanstalk by providing it in Spanish and English. I truly love the fact that is bilingual. This will help ELL students understand the story but learn new vocabulary words. I think this book will be great in RT. It will allow students to participate even ELL without feeling left out or confused.
This NF, Life on Mars book, teaches students all about Mars. It explains how Earth and Mars are different and how we get information about Mars. This book is great to own in the classroom because you can use it as a RA to further expand the knowledge of students about Mars. Students that love Science and outer space will truly love seeing this book in the classroom library.
This B, Newberry Honor Award, Coretta Scott King Award, National Book Award, and New York Nest Time Seller book, Brown Girl Dreaming is about the childhood biography of Jacqueline Woodson. The book tells the story of Jaqueline and her family how they struggled through the Civil Rights movement and how Jaqueline's mom had to move multiple times to find what was best for her kids. Jaqueline's struggle for writing pushes her to become a writer.
This SF, Aliens for Breakfast book, it's a great series about a kid who finally has breakfast when all of the sudden his Alien Crisp cereal it's the home of an alien named Aric. Richard and Aric go on this adventure together to save Earth. This book will be great as IR. The book will spark creativity, engagement, and conversation starter. Students that don't love reading will truly enjoy reading this series.
This MF, Caldecott Honor Award book, Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type is a book about cows that find a typewriter in the barn that decide to write letters to their farmer Mr. Browns with demands. When the demands are not met we'll you guessed it they go on a strike. It‘s a great humorous book that teachers can use to teach students about their voice and why people choose to go on strikes. This book will be great for RT. Students would love it!
This P., Arnold Adoff Poetry Award winner book, it's about different kids sharing how their fathers are. They share why they think their Daddies rule the world. This book has great simple rhyming words. Students will gravitate towards the book and will help them to make connections. This book will be great doing IR. It would also be a perfect little book to give a wonderful dad on Father's Day.
This HF, I survived book the attacks of 9/11 is such a wonderful book. I love the I survived book series, but this book in specific hits home. The book shares a different perspective of a fictional character, but still keeps the truth of the real event. This book will be great for SR and IR. Teachers can read the first couple of pages and discuss as a class or students can read it on their own.
This B, Who was Amelia Earhart? book is one of the many amazing series of books of this collection. This book provides the biography of Amelia with straightforward information I'm unique images that the students would love. I recommend teachers to add this book but not only this one to the rest of the collections. The book will be great to do RA or IR. I can imagine the kiddos reading about them and getting inspired.
This RF, 17 Things I‘m Not Allowed To Do Anymore book was ok. Some parts were funny, but there were some parts that I understood parents would have a problem with. The book explains the different 17 things the child did that got her into not being able to do them again. Students will be able to relate and it's a great tool to have them talking about times they did something that they no longer can. LC will be a great strategy to use.
This RF, The Author Visit book is one of the many great black lagoon series. It‘s perfect to own because it provides different topics that students go through and reimagine what could happen. This book in specific is about Hubie imagining how the guest author will be like. To then come to find out that it's nothing like he thought it would be. Love the creativity it allows readers to have. Students not only can relate to it but also learn from it.
This R.F., New York Times Best Seller book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar it's a must-own book for Pre-k-2 grade classrooms. The book is about a small caterpillar that eats everything it sees until it no longer can. The caterpillar forms itself into a cocoon until it emerges into a beautiful caterpillar. This book is perfect for LC. It allows the students to be engaged throughout the story.The teacher can provide props to use as she reads the story.
This M.F., Newberry Medal Honor book, Charlotte‘s Web is a great book to share in class. It‘s such a classic that kids can‘t get enough. The book is about the life of a pig named Wilbur who‘s his farm friends help him not to get slaughtered by the farmer. At the end it presents a beautiful story of friendship and determination.
This H.F., National Book Award, Coretta Scott King Award, Newberry Medal Honor, Scott O‘Dell Award for Historical Freedom, and New York Best Time Seller, One Crazy Summer, is such an extraordinary book to read on your own but most importantly to share with your students.
This P., Dr. Seuss's classic book, is about Sam-I-Am trying to get Guy-I-Am to eat the green eggs and ham. Sam is convinced that they are the best things to eat anywhere. He mentions all the places that he could it until Guy-I-Am gets tired of Sam insisting that he finally tried them and loves them. This book is an outstanding selection to have in the classroom and use SR with the students. Students will love reenacting the story.
This N.F., inspirational book, Resist, is full of different stories of people who have dealt with bullies, tyranny, and harm. This book presents their stories and how they're able to stand up to those who hurting them or their community. A perfect quote that I absolutely loved from the book was “You may only be one person, but you have the power to change the world.” I believe this is the perfect quote to inspired students.
This T.L., There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover, this book is an excellent choice to use during St. Patrick's day celebration. Not only will it keep the student engaged but it will help students with vocabulary words and rhyming. This book is about an old lady who swallows different things that are meant to help each other until the end she sees a leprechaun who makes her laugh and helps re-release everything she swallowed.
This S.F. book, The Wonderful Flight, is such fun, and amazing for students to enjoy. The book is about the adventures of Chuck and David. They find an ad in a newspaper about a home-built spaceship. The two boys quickly made their spaceship out of tin and scrap and present it to the advertisement. This led them to go on this adventure to the mushroom planet.
This B., Caldecott Medal Award book, Henry's Freedom Box, is excellent to share with the students, because of its inspiring story. The book is about a man who was a slave and loses his family. Henry escapes slavery, by deciding to place himself on a shipping box to Philadelphia. Henry arrives in Philadelphia as a free man able to seek his family. This book encourages students to persevere in the midst of adversity.
This R.F., New York Times bestseller book (2009), Would I trade My Parents, is a perfect book to have in your classroom library collection. Jason is a boy who ponders on the idea of trading his parents because of what his friend's parents do with them, but in the end, he realizes his parents are the best. An excellent book to teach students the importance of family.
So far I have been enjoying this book. It has been fun making some of the illustrations for the assignment. It allows you to be more focus and look for specific details! 💙