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Joined February 2021

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A great find at the Dollar Tree. My daughter absolutely loved it! Never underestimate the books at the dollar tree. Perfect time to buy some books and gift them this season. Happy reading y'all!!

Are We There Yet? | Dan Santat
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Another two great books were found at the dollar tree. Keep your eyes open the next time you shop at the dollar tree. Happy Reading!!!

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I found this great book at Dollar Tree. Always stay on the lookout. You never know what you will find. 😊

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Proud of you Mom!!! Such an amazing children's book. I can't wait to see what other book collection you come out with! #sigridmoore #victoriaandthegreensquad #amustread

All Are Welcome | Alexandra Penfold
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This RL, New York Times Best Time Seller book, All Are Welcome Here is a phenomenal book that teaches students about inclusion no matter where they come from or who they are. The teacher can do LC because it provides time for expression. Students can ask questions and the teacher can go further into the lesson. This book is a must-have to have in the classroom.

ztorres UDL's strategies: Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity (7.2). Foster collaboration and community (8.3). Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation (9.1). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Promote cooperation (small groups). Encourage self-talk (positive thinking). Reinforce the key ideas you present again and again. 3y
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ztorres This resource provides the perfect lesson for the first day of school. Setting up the tone and expectations from the beginning will students understand that we are all welcome and no matter where we come from or what we believe we are a team. (edited) 3y
StephanyNunez I love the message the book conveys. It's crucial to make sure our students feel welcome. I love the lesson plan you include and the song the lesson plan implements. #UCFLAE3414SP21 3y
KeanaE I have been on the look out for this book. This would be a perfect First Day of School book! 3y
DrSpalding Did you mean RF for realistic fiction? Your resource is excellent and your universe design/English learner strategies work nicely. Don‘t forget to include the numerals with the English learner strategies like you have included the decimals with your universal design principles 3y
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Jack and the Beanstalk | Carol Ottolenghi
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This TL, Jack and the Beanstalk, Juan y Los frijoles magicos, this book retells the classic story of Jack and the Beanstalk by providing it in Spanish and English. I truly love the fact that is bilingual. This will help ELL students understand the story but learn new vocabulary words. I think this book will be great in RT. It will allow students to participate even ELL without feeling left out or confused.

ztorres UDL's Strategies: Promote understanding across languages (2.4). Illustrate through multiple media (2.5). Offer ways of customizing the display of information (1.1). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Place language in a meaningful context. Incorporate second language acquisition strategies in the curriculum. Offer a variety of reference materials at the students‘ instructional level for independent use. 3y
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ztorres Great resources provide an entire lesson to use with ELL students. The only part I wish it was bilingual but that is something you can do to have it accessible for the whole class. 3y
Mmurphy Love this! Great option for our ESOL students!! 3y
StephanyNunez I love Los Frijoles magicos!! I remember reading this book when I was younger. I will add this book to my stack because I like books that uses multiple languages because they can help the ELL students. 3y
DrSpalding Bilingual traditional literature story belongs in your classroom library! Your English learner strategy works perfectly. 3y
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This NF, Life on Mars book, teaches students all about Mars. It explains how Earth and Mars are different and how we get information about Mars. This book is great to own in the classroom because you can use it as a RA to further expand the knowledge of students about Mars. Students that love Science and outer space will truly love seeing this book in the classroom library.

ztorres UDL's Strategies: Increase mastery-oriented feedback. Activate or supply background knowledge. 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Continually monitor students‘ comprehension, Show students how to use graphic organizers like semantic mapping and imaging. Teach technical vocabulary and supporting key concepts. 3y
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ztorres There were no resources for the book but there were great resources about teaching all about Mars. NASA website provides lesson plans and activities that teachers can use to teach about Mars. The best part, check out the amazing videos that they have to present to students. As a future educator if you use this website you will be considered the coolest teacher. 3y
Mmurphy Awesome way to bring in Mars, very interesting with how much attention that planet is getting right now! 3y
Nrossi This looks so cool! Space has always been such an interesting topic to me and being able to have books like these in my classroom is definitely a must! 3y
DrSpalding You selected a high-quality resource that could easily extend the learning when using this book in a science lesson. We teach children about space in multiple grade levels and who doesn‘t want to be considered the coolest teacher!🙂 3y
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Brown Girl Dreaming | Jacqueline Woodson
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This B, Newberry Honor Award, Coretta Scott King Award, National Book Award, and New York Nest Time Seller book, Brown Girl Dreaming is about the childhood biography of Jacqueline Woodson. The book tells the story of Jaqueline and her family how they struggled through the Civil Rights movement and how Jaqueline's mom had to move multiple times to find what was best for her kids. Jaqueline's struggle for writing pushes her to become a writer.

ztorres Teaching Strategies: AS since the book is about the author's life, IR. 3y
ztorres UDL's Strategies: Guide appropriate goal-setting (6.1). Enhance capacity for monitoring progress (6.4). 3y
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ztorres ESOL Strategies: For content, comprehension use a variety of comprehension activities, such as; strip stories, KWL activities, SQ3R, learning logs, role-playing activities, close strategies, etc. Provide biographies of significant men and women from different countries. 3y
ztorres Such a great resource, I couldn't believe that they have an entire unit for the book. It has such great tools for teachers to use and it goes in-depth to help fourth-grade students understand the book and the history behind it. 3y
KeanaE I have picked up another book by this author called Show Way. If you would like more information about this book at a look on my Litsy post on it! Another amazing book by this amazing author 3y
DrSpalding I love that your peer made a text to text connection with this amazing author. You provided a helpful teacher resource that reinforces the best practice teaching methods you learned during our class. 3y
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Aliens for Breakfast | Stephanie Spinner, Jonathan Etra
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This SF, Aliens for Breakfast book, it's a great series about a kid who finally has breakfast when all of the sudden his Alien Crisp cereal it's the home of an alien named Aric. Richard and Aric go on this adventure together to save Earth. This book will be great as IR. The book will spark creativity, engagement, and conversation starter. Students that don't love reading will truly enjoy reading this series.

ztorres UDL's Strategies: Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation (9.1). Minimize threats and distractions (7.3). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Integrate speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. Ask numerous questions which require higher-level thinking responses. 3y
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ztorres This resource provides a daily reading journal for students to do as they read. It also provides a book report project and word wall vocabulary words to use in the classroom. 3y
Mmurphy What a cute book, I haven‘t seen this one before and definitely need it in my library!! 3y
DrSpalding Students enjoy this book immensely. It is more so modern fantasy than science fiction. Don‘t forget to add the English learner numerals however your strategies align nicely. 3y
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This MF, Caldecott Honor Award book, Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type is a book about cows that find a typewriter in the barn that decide to write letters to their farmer Mr. Browns with demands. When the demands are not met we'll you guessed it they go on a strike. It‘s a great humorous book that teachers can use to teach students about their voice and why people choose to go on strikes. This book will be great for RT. Students would love it!

ztorres UDL's Strategies: Promote understanding across languages (2.4). Guide information processing and visualization (3.3) Increase mastery-oriented feedback (8.4). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Use discovery learning activities(hands-on activities). Provide contextual support through audiovisuals, models, demonstrations, replica, body language, and facial expressions. 3y
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ztorres This resource provides different lessons that the teacher can use in the classroom like sentence starters, meeting the author, comprehension questions, and more. Great resources like this allow the teacher to use the book in different forms. 3y
StephanyNunez I used this book to create a reader theater because of all the souds and expressions the students can use when reding it. I think is a great book for all the students because is engaging, easy to read and understand. 3y
DrSpalding Several of your peers have read this book and whether it be a read aloud or readers theater, this book would be a positive addition to your classroom library. 3y
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This P., Arnold Adoff Poetry Award winner book, it's about different kids sharing how their fathers are. They share why they think their Daddies rule the world. This book has great simple rhyming words. Students will gravitate towards the book and will help them to make connections. This book will be great doing IR. It would also be a perfect little book to give a wonderful dad on Father's Day.

ztorres UDL's Strategies: Develop self-assessment and reflection (9.3). Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships (3.2). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Link season topic to students‘ prior knowledge. Reinforce the key ideas you present again and again. 3y
ztorres Teacher Resources: Sadly there were no teacher resources for this book, but I found resources for rhyming poetry that the teacher can use to teach students about rhyming poetry. https://www.education.com/lesson-plan/el-support-lesson-rhyming-poems/ 3y
DrSpalding Added this to my stack. Using a resource that supports a genre rather than a particular book is very appropriate! Your universal design principle 3.2 is just right for poetry. You have made excellent book selections that I hope you will consider adding to your classroom library. 3y
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This HF, I survived book the attacks of 9/11 is such a wonderful book. I love the I survived book series, but this book in specific hits home. The book shares a different perspective of a fictional character, but still keeps the truth of the real event. This book will be great for SR and IR. Teachers can read the first couple of pages and discuss as a class or students can read it on their own.

ztorres UDL‘s Strategy: Guide information processing and visualization. Activate or supply background knowledge. 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategy: Teach, think, pair, and share strategies in cooperative groups. Continually monitor students‘ comprehension. Teach questioning for clarification. 3y
ztorres These great resources provided not only for this book but for all the collections of I survived. Students will love working with each of the activities. 3y
DrSpalding Because this happened 20 years ago we would still consider this realistic fiction however I can see why you thought historical. Your resource is the absolute best you could identify for this wonderful series. These would be excellent books to complement your science and social studies curriculum in second, third or fourth grade. 3y
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Who Was Amelia Earhart? | Kate Boehm Jerome
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This B, Who was Amelia Earhart? book is one of the many amazing series of books of this collection. This book provides the biography of Amelia with straightforward information I'm unique images that the students would love. I recommend teachers to add this book but not only this one to the rest of the collections. The book will be great to do RA or IR. I can imagine the kiddos reading about them and getting inspired.

ztorres UDL's Strategies: Offer ways of customizing the display of information (1.1) and highlights patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships (3.2). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Have students underline or highlight keywords or important facts in written assignments, have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important facts and information, and provide biographies of significant men and women from different countries. 3y
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ztorres This resource is great because it goes in-depth about who Amelia was and provides pictures, videos, and activities to understand who she was. The activities not only provide information about Amelia but also provide information about aviation and how important it was back then. 3y
Mmurphy YESSSS! Love The Who is series!!! Great UDL connection! 3y
StephanyNunez I like the lesson plan you included. It has many hands-on activities such as creating a paper plane which can help to keep the students engaged and further their understanding. 3y
DrSpalding There is a wonderful resource provided by the publisher for this high-quality series. I highly recommend these biographies for the elementary classroom. The resource you provided however, shows how easy it is to truly integrate the curriculum with quality text. 3y
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This RF, 17 Things I‘m Not Allowed To Do Anymore book was ok. Some parts were funny, but there were some parts that I understood parents would have a problem with. The book explains the different 17 things the child did that got her into not being able to do them again. Students will be able to relate and it's a great tool to have them talking about times they did something that they no longer can. LC will be a great strategy to use.

ztorres UDL‘s Strategies: Develop self-assessment and reflection (9.3). Activate or supply background knowledge (3.1). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies: Promote cooperation (small groups) and ask numerous questions which require higher-level thinking responses. 3y
ztorres Teacher Resource: There were no resources for teachers to use. The book has not been such a popular sell or engaging for the classroom. I truly agree with it and that's the reason I gave it a so-so. 3y
DrSpalding Read aloud or storytelling would be best. Two semesters ago a student chose this as their storytelling book and it was fantastic! 3y
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This RF, The Author Visit book is one of the many great black lagoon series. It‘s perfect to own because it provides different topics that students go through and reimagine what could happen. This book in specific is about Hubie imagining how the guest author will be like. To then come to find out that it's nothing like he thought it would be. Love the creativity it allows readers to have. Students not only can relate to it but also learn from it.

ztorres Teaching Strategy: RA- Teachers can read the book on a specific day student is learning about an author or an author is coming to visit their class. The teacher can also allow students to do a compare and contrast about the story and their experience with the author. 3y
ztorres UDL‘s strategies: Develop self-assessment and reflection and highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships. 3y
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ztorres ESOL Strategies: Encourage self-talk(positive thinking), use preview/review activities, and use Venn diagrams to contrast and compare activities. 3y
ztorres For this specific book, there were not many resources. I was able to find this website which provided a few activities for pre-K-2 and 3-5. I wish they were more in-depth, but still, it's some good resources that can be used. 3y
Ericaj Nice post. I seen this series before, but I never read it. The website you implement looks fun to do in the classroom. I will be reading this book soon:) 3y
Nrossi This is a series I definitely would like to read and have in my classroom! It‘s always looked interesting but then I just forget about them somehow. Looks like a fun activity to do as well! 3y
DrSpalding RIF is a high-quality resource. Read aloud is a good teaching strategy and your extension activity directly aligns with the English learner strategy you noted. Well done. You still need to be sure to add the decimals and numerals related to the universal design principles and English learner strategies. 3y
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This R.F., New York Times Best Seller book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar it's a must-own book for Pre-k-2 grade classrooms. The book is about a small caterpillar that eats everything it sees until it no longer can. The caterpillar forms itself into a cocoon until it emerges into a beautiful caterpillar. This book is perfect for LC. It allows the students to be engaged throughout the story.The teacher can provide props to use as she reads the story.

ztorres UDL‘s Strategies: Activate or supply background knowledge(3.1). Guide information processing and visualization (3.3). 3y
ztorres ESOL strategies: Link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge and continually monitor students‘ comprehension. 3y
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ztorres A great resource to use with younger students. This resource offers a sequencing lesson plan, puppet show activity, math activity about measurement, and many more. 3y
DrSpalding This is a classic however it is not realistic fiction… What genre do you believe it is now? 3y
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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This M.F., Newberry Medal Honor book, Charlotte‘s Web is a great book to share in class. It‘s such a classic that kids can‘t get enough. The book is about the life of a pig named Wilbur who‘s his farm friends help him not to get slaughtered by the farmer. At the end it presents a beautiful story of friendship and determination.

ztorres Teaching Strategy- R.T., it allows to enhance students reading skills and promote reading practice in a unique way. 3y
ztorres UDL‘s Strategies- Offers alternatives for auditory information (1.2). Optimize individual choice and autonomy (7.1). Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies (9.2). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies- Use discovery learning activities (hands-on-activities), have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important facts and information, and promote cooperation. 3y
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ztorres This teacher resource provides different types of lessons or activities that you can use in the classroom. They go from teaching pack, writing packs, drama teaching, comprehension, and many more. 3y
Karissacurrier One of my favorite stories! I love the resource you provided. I feel like it includes great resources that go along with this story. The ESOL strategy you included would work well with the resource also. 3y
DrSpalding This modern fantasy title is one that all students should be exposed to at the elementary level. You provided a helpful resource that could extend the learning in a variety of ways. 3y
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One Crazy Summer | Rita Williams-Garcia
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This H.F., National Book Award, Coretta Scott King Award, Newberry Medal Honor, Scott O‘Dell Award for Historical Freedom, and New York Best Time Seller, One Crazy Summer, is such an extraordinary book to read on your own but most importantly to share with your students.

ztorres The book is about 3 sisters who travel to Oakland, California in search of their mother who abandoned them. The girls not only go to see their mother, but they faced the movement of the Black Panther that happened during 1968. I would love to continue to share the story, but that would be spoiling it. Read it and add it to a must-have book to share during the Civil Rights lessons. 3y
ztorres UDL‘s strategies- Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity (7.2). Foster collaboration and community (8.3). Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation (9.1). 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies- Encourage self-talk, link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge, focus on thinking skills; predict, categorize, classify, observe, and report (oral-written-pictorial), sequence, summarize. 3y
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ztorres Teaching strategy- S.R. Teachers can share and allowed for collaborative discussions in the classroom. Students can express what they learned or how the story impacted their lives. 3y
Bookwormjillk I loved this whole series. 3y
ztorres The perfect resource to use in the classroom because it provides background information of the actual historical event. Students can make the connection between the event and the fictional part the author created. 3y
Karissacurrier I have not heard of this story but I‘m definitely adding it to my list! The resource you included is great. I love that it provides information about the historical background included in the book. 3y
PatriciaS Wonderful children 💕 literature picture book 📚 great for teaching reading fluencies and vocabulary words and emotional content through this wonderful picture book story about family and...read it, I 💕 it. Great review and resources too, thanks 3y
DrSpalding This book has won so many awards that they can‘t fit on the cover. Shared reading for book clubs work well. 3y
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This P., Dr. Seuss's classic book, is about Sam-I-Am trying to get Guy-I-Am to eat the green eggs and ham. Sam is convinced that they are the best things to eat anywhere. He mentions all the places that he could it until Guy-I-Am gets tired of Sam insisting that he finally tried them and loves them. This book is an outstanding selection to have in the classroom and use SR with the students. Students will love reenacting the story.

ztorres UDL‘s strategy- Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships.(3.2) Guide information processing and visualization. (3.3) 3y
ztorres ESOL Strategies- Use discovery learning activities (hands-on activities). Provide contextual support through audio visuals, models,
demonstrations, realia, body language, and facial expressions. Integrate speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities.
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ztorres The perfect resource for teachers to use. It provides a lesson plan with different activities to use to help students comprehend the story and also to go deeper into the story. 3y
Ericaj This is a classic. I remember reading this as a child and making green eggs. The good old days. However, the website you provided has good activities for educators to use. Great job! 3y
ztorres A Caldecott Medal Award and loved by everyone. 3y
DrSpalding Sharlece did a lovely job with this author study. This could be another teaching strategy to expose students to these classic books. 3y
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This N.F., inspirational book, Resist, is full of different stories of people who have dealt with bullies, tyranny, and harm. This book presents their stories and how they're able to stand up to those who hurting them or their community. A perfect quote that I absolutely loved from the book was “You may only be one person, but you have the power to change the world.” I believe this is the perfect quote to inspired students.

ztorres This book is great for A.S., teachers can have students be divided and student the author's life and the different stories shared in the book. It will allow students to connect and understand the cause of the author's point of view. Especially that is something that is being seen so often now. This story includes UDL‘s strategy 7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity. 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge. 4y
ztorres ESOL strategy: Have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important facts and information. Use student pairs for team learning, especially for reports, experiments, and projects. Provide biographies of significant men and women from different countries. 4y
AlexRobinson This sounds like an A-MAZ-ING read!!! I love to encourage students to read these types of books and to keep them in my classroom. It‘s important to show the “not pretty” side of the world and that people have over come it, just like our students can. It also opens GREAT conversations and discussions I think are necessary in our classrooms! 4y
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This T.L., There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover, this book is an excellent choice to use during St. Patrick's day celebration. Not only will it keep the student engaged but it will help students with vocabulary words and rhyming. This book is about an old lady who swallows different things that are meant to help each other until the end she sees a leprechaun who makes her laugh and helps re-release everything she swallowed.

ztorres This book is great for S.R., teachers can use props of all the items the old lady swallowed. The teacher can also dress up as the old lady. The teacher can also have those keywords written in popsicle sticks to help students identify them. Students will be very engaged and will be able to remember that the story because of the creativity and the way it was told to them. (edited) 4y
ztorres This story includes the UDL's strategy 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation. 5.3 build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance. ESOL strategies: Provide contextual support through audiovisuals, models, demonstrations, realia, body language, and facial expressions. Have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important facts and information. 4y
KeanaE I have always enjoyed this author! Dressing up as well as having props when telling this story will most definitely make this book memorable for the students! 4y
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AlexRobinson This👏🏽series👏🏽will👏🏽forever👏🏽be👏🏽one👏🏽of👏🏽my👏🏽FAVORITES!!!! I absolutely adore the ideas you‘ve came up with for this book! The possibilities are truly endless and I love the interactive and “out of the box” aspects that come with it! extra points for picking out the st Patrick‘s day one since we are close to it! Awesome job!! 4y
PatriciaS I love 💕 this series of books 📚 great fun and I can think of some really good activities 😉 3y
ztorres The perfect resource to use with the lesson. It helps students work with story order and comprehension. 3y
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This S.F. book, The Wonderful Flight, is such fun, and amazing for students to enjoy. The book is about the adventures of Chuck and David. They find an ad in a newspaper about a home-built spaceship. The two boys quickly made their spaceship out of tin and scrap and present it to the advertisement. This led them to go on this adventure to the mushroom planet.

ztorres This book will keep students engage. What kid those not want to read about spaceships and aliens? This book is great for I.R., teachers can encourage students to pick an appropriate chapter book that will keep them engage in reading and will encourage the love for reading. This story includes UDL‘s strategy 9.1 “promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation” 4y
ztorres ESOL strategies: Offer a variety of reference materials at the students‘ instructional level for independent use. Encourage self-talk. 4y
ztorres Teacher resource: https://www.brighthubeducation.com/lesson-plans-grades-3-5/66228-the-wonderful-f...
Perfect resource to use in class as the student progress on the reading. It provides vocabulary words, words in content, synonyms, and many more. Great to check it out and plan a great lesson for the students.
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Henrys Freedom Box | Ellen & Kadir Nelson Levine
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This B., Caldecott Medal Award book, Henry's Freedom Box, is excellent to share with the students, because of its inspiring story. The book is about a man who was a slave and loses his family. Henry escapes slavery, by deciding to place himself on a shipping box to Philadelphia. Henry arrives in Philadelphia as a free man able to seek his family. This book encourages students to persevere in the midst of adversity.

ztorres This book is great for D.R., teachers can have students be different characters and reenact the important events of Henry‘s life. The teacher can also use props and costumes to make the story come to life. This will allow students to remember the story and the main events of the story. This story includes UDL‘s strategy 3.1 “activate or supply background knowledge” 3.2 “ highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships.” 4y
ztorres ESOL strategies: Provide contextual support through audiovisuals, models, demonstrations, realia, body language, and facial expressions. Have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important facts and information. 4y
ztorres Teacher resource: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/henrys-freedom...
It's an excellent tool to use for the lesson. It gives you lesson plan and content area connections.
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Would I Trade My Parents? | Laura Joffe Numeroff
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This R.F., New York Times bestseller book (2009), Would I trade My Parents, is a perfect book to have in your classroom library collection. Jason is a boy who ponders on the idea of trading his parents because of what his friend's parents do with them, but in the end, he realizes his parents are the best. An excellent book to teach students the importance of family.

ztorres This is an excellent book for R.A., teachers can use different graphic organizers to help students summarize and comprehend the story. This story includes UDL‘s strategy 9.1 “promotes expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation” by going on a deeper understanding of the story using the graphic organizers. ESOL strategies: show students how to use graphic organizers like semantic mapping and imaging, teach questioning for clarification. 4y
TabathaA This book is already on my TBR stack. In reading your summary, I connected with a memory of my son telling me he didn't like us as parents anymore because we wouldn't let him have a cell phone like his friend. (This was in elementary school!!!) As he got older, he came to understand that his friend only had a phone so that he could speak to his parents, since they were divorced. He gets it now! Would have been a great read during that time! 4y
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So far I have been enjoying this book. It has been fun making some of the illustrations for the assignment. It allows you to be more focus and look for specific details! 💙

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