Whoa. What a twisty, bizarre, powerful book. Ondjaki has serious literary teeth. It started strong and got better as it went. #Angola #readaroundtheworld #readharder
Whoa. What a twisty, bizarre, powerful book. Ondjaki has serious literary teeth. It started strong and got better as it went. #Angola #readaroundtheworld #readharder
I see descriptions like this often enough that it's got me thinking about starting up a literary cooking hobby... 🤔
Super interesting and surprisingly madcap book about/by an author from #Angola #readaroundtheworld #readingintranslation #readharder
I read half of this, and while there were things I admired, I felt no strong emotions about any of the characters. So I have decided not to continue. I will try another, later novel by the same writer some day.