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A Pound of Flesh
A Pound of Flesh | Sophie Jackson
2 posts | 6 read | 3 to read
Orange Is the New Black meets Jennifer Probsts New York Times bestselling Marriage to a Billionaire trilogy, featuring a strong-minded prison tutor who discovers that her sexy bad-boy student is far more than he appears to be. Haunted by nightmares of her fathers street murder fifteen years ago, Kat Lane decides to face her fears and uphold his legacy of helping others by teaching inmates at a New York prison. There she meets arrogant Wesley Carter, whos as handsome as he is dangerous, as mysterious as he is quick-witted, and with a reputation that ensures people will keep their distance. As teacher and student, Kat and Carter are forced to leave their animosities at the door and learn that one should never judge a book by its cover. As Carters barriers begin to crumble, Kat realizes theres much more to her angry student than she thought, leaving them to face a new, perilous obstacle: their undeniable attraction to one another. When Carter is released and Kat continues to tutor him on the outside, the obstacles mount. Can they fight the odds to make their relationship work? Will Kats family and friends ever accept her being with someone of his background? And will Kats discovery of Carters role on the night her father died force them apart forever...or unite them?
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A Pound of Flesh | Sophie Jackson
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Haunted by nightmares of her father‘s street murder fifteen yrs ago, Kat decides to face her fears and uphold his legacy of helping others by teaching inmates at a prison. There she meets arrogant Wesley Carter.

Kat and Carter are forced to leave their animosities at the door and learn that one should never judge a book by its cover. As Carter‘s barriers begin to crumble, Kat realizes there‘s much more to her angry student than she thought.

RaimeyGallant Intriguing. 6y
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A Pound of Flesh | Sophie Jackson
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Tucked into bed with my kindle and my favorite tv show playing in the background. I'm all set. 💜

CoverToCoverGirl What's the tv show? 7y
BibliophileMomma Omg. I love psych! 7y
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