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Claim to Fame
Claim to Fame | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield compete on opposing sides in a schoolwide contest to determine what should go into a time capsule being buried to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sweet Valley Middle School.
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Claim to Fame | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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The 25th anniversary of SVMS approaches with a 1960s themed dance & burial of a time capsule. Students form groups to compete on what should be in the capsule. Jess wants to win on behalf of the Unicorns while Liz‘s group includes George Henkel. Liz discovers that George‘s estranged father, an injured Vietnam veteran, threw the winning pass for SVMS‘s first champion football team. Liz wants to win, but mostly she wants to reunite father & son.

JenlovesJT47 Man I haven‘t read this one in a looong time! I remember really wishing we could do a time capsule at our school but alas it never happened 😪😁 2mo
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 I know!! I think we did one in second grade but then that school closed… so I would imagine it‘s still there! As for this one, it seemed a little strange that they focused on putting so much 1960s stuff and nothing from their own year! 2mo
JenlovesJT47 Hmm 🤔 that is weird. But hey, it‘s an excuse to dress up in 60s clothing I guess 😆 2mo
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