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What a memorably #ClassicJessicaWakefield story! With Alice out of town, Ned‘s grumpy but trusts Jessica to deliver $500 for him. She gets waylaid by Caroline‘s gossip & misses handing off the cash but with a chance to catch him early, she hides the money where no one will find it— in a tennis racket case! The next morning, the case is gone! With Elizabeth‘s help, they try to track it down—& then try to raise the money themselves in just one week!

Lois Strikes Back | Francine Pascal
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To raise money for the library, SVMS organizes the Sweet Valley Bike-A-Thon over a 30 mile course where the students will be sponsored for each mile they complete. Anyone who finishes gets a a free sundae from Casey‘s & the student who raises the most cash gets a new bike! Lois Waller really wants that bike so she can get a paper route but bully Bruce Patman has it extra-out for her since he tripped on her bookbag & he‘ll do anything to win!

The War Between the Twins | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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Jessica begs Elizabeth for more Unicorn coverage in the #SweetValleySixers paper that Liz created; Liz lets her write her own article, but the day of printing, she has no choice but to pull the article in favor of a popular coach‘s broken leg. Furious, Jessica starts a Unicorn newspaper to compete with her sister. A rough first edition, printed on too dark of a purple is overcome by their fake Donny Diamond interview that spirals out of control!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great photo 😍 2d
JenlovesJT47 Love the typewriter! I remember this one, so funny! 2d
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 Thanks! I was really excited to find it at a vintage market a few years ago! And yes, this newspaper war is so fun!! 2d
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Against the Rules | Francine Pascal
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And it‘s time for the alternate cover of the day, to go along with my review. 😆


TorieStorieS 🤣🤣🤣 3d
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Against the Rules | Francine Pascal
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Sophia Rizzo joins the school newspaper and becomes good friends with Liz. Problem is her brother Tony is considered bad news after he got in trouble for stealing a VCR and going to reform school. Sophia suffers from guilt by association, and Jess, Lila and the Unicorns are particularly nasty to her. Tony even gives Steven a black eye at school, which doesn‘t help. Meanwhile, Liz, Sophia and a few other students are writing the school play and ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Jess says she and the Unicorns will boycott the play because they don‘t want to have anything to do with Sophia. But the play is a smash hit and we even have a twin switch in this one, which is always fun. Everything works out okay in the end — this is Sweet Valley after all! 3.5⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 3d
TorieStorieS Tony, major VCR thief… hahaha, so dated but still so fun! 🤣 3d
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS 😅 well to be fair, VCRs used to be realllly expensive in the late 80s and early 90s. Poor Tony! 3d
TorieStorieS And certainly more portable than the television sets of the 80s/90s!! 🤣 3d
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Mary is Missing | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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When Mary misses 3 days of school & an important Unicorn meeting, Jessica starts to worry. When Steven botches a phone message & the twins find a newspaper at the mall missing the words: “Your daughter is safe. Don‘t call the police.” Plus Mary‘s bear is in her room, it all adds up to Mary being kidnapped for the second time in her 13 years. Liz & Amy stalk a suspicious woman from the library to a creepy house & have a stakeout. Over the top fun!

JenlovesJT47 Ooh sounds intriguing! 🍿 2d
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 It‘s a fun one for sure! Ridiculous but super fun! 2d
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Amy's Pen Pal | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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For an unspecified holiday weekend in #SweetValley, plenty of fun plans are made— Lila‘s hosting a big party, the Wakefields are having a bbq & a SVH senior will have a live show at the mall to announce the winner of the contest to name his new show! Amy hasn‘t heard from her pen pal, Samantha, in a while so she‘s shocked when she shows up from San Francisco to stay for the long weekend. It‘s all fun until Sam ditches Amy for the Unicorns!

JenlovesJT47 I remember this one! Have you been keeping track of all of the holidays in your read through? I so wish I had done that when I did my SVH read through. It‘s mind-bending how many Christmases and summers they have 😅 5d
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 It‘s another good one! I have been keeping track of the holidays! I am also looking forward to keeping track of the number of dead boyfriends in SVH and SVU!! 🤣 4d
JenlovesJT47 Omg so many dead boyfriends! 😅 I‘m partial to Sam myself but I can think of 3 off the top of my head. Sam, James, Christian. Can‘t wait to read The Evil Twin for the 50th time this Christmas! Man, Jessica should be in therapy for life! 😂 4d
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TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 I know!! I loved The Evil Twin, too! I remember reading it the first time and just gasping out loud and then excitedly explaining the entire plot to my mom! 🤣 And yes, I am really curious to see exactly how many dead boyfriends Jessica really had!! 4d
JenlovesJT47 I have a question. Have you ever seen Some Kind of Wonderful with Lea Thompson? 4d
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 No, I haven‘t— but I‘ve always loved her! It looks like I can watch it over Amazon Prime though! 4d
JenlovesJT47 Ok do you have an original copy of A Night To Remember? Watch the movie then look at the pics on the inside flap. I could swear the guy that‘s supposed to be Sam has GOT to be the guy that plays the bully Hardy Jens in the movie. But I could never find any proof of that! Just like I‘m pretty sure Courtenay Cox was the model for Annie Whitman in one of the early SVH books 4d
JenlovesJT47 And as a bonus, Some Kind of Wonderful is a great movie! 4d
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 Ohh! You might be right about Courtney Cox!! And I do have my original copy, so I‘ll have to do a comparison!! I have seen some of the photos the cover art is based on, but I can‘t find the article now, of course— but if I run across it again, I‘ll send it to you! 4d
JenlovesJT47 Thanks! I think I tagged a pic of it when I did my review, let me look. 4d
JenlovesJT47 Aww yeah I remember reading something about that a few years ago. I know that the guy that drew the covers passed away within the last year or so ☹️ 3d
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First Place | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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It‘s time for another alternate cover for the day to go along with my review. 😅😆



TorieStorieS Bahahahaha!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5d
Bookwormjillk Love these 🤣🤣🤣 5d
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First Place | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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The one in which Lila and Liz use each other. Oh, and there‘s a horse! 🐴 Lila gets a fancy new horse named Thunder from her dad, but isn‘t very interested in his day-to-day care. Liz LOVES horses and agrees to write an article about Lila & Thunder for the school paper. Lila gets Liz to share her homework and Liz goes to the stables every day to ride Thunder. Jess gets jealous of how much time Liz & Lila are spending with each other. Oh, and ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 There‘s a sweet but poor stable boy named Ted that Jess has a crush on. Liz accidentally spills the tea to the Unicorns about Ken & Amy kissing at a party, & Amy is so upset she accidentally on purpose tells Lila that Liz is entering Thunder in a competition at the stables. There‘s a confrontation but it all works out in the end. Ted rides Thunder in the competition instead (and wins!) and decides to buy Thunder from Lila, who is by this point ⬇️ 6d
JenlovesJT47 Growing bored with him. And Jess has her nice moment with Ted. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #nostalgia #twins 👯‍♀️🐴 6d
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The Christmas Ghost | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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#SweetValleyTwinsSuperChiller books were always my favorites! In this second #SweetValleyChristmas for the 6th graders, Elizabeth works for a fundraiser for the children‘s wing of the hospital & asks teen Hollywood star Beau Dillon for help but Jessica plans to meet him instead, leading to a re-imagining of #AChristmasCarol as Jessica is visited by her 2nd grade self, a unicorn of the present & a scary future without friends (but still fashion)!

JenlovesJT47 Man I haven‘t read this one in so long! 👵🏻👵🏻👵🏻 Do you have a list of the SVT books in publication order? 6d
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 This was one of my favorites, for sure! I don‘t have an official list but I have been trying my best to read each series in publication order just based on the published dates— usually they come out one a month, so if the next number skipped a month, I start looking at the supers to see which one is from that missing month! 5d
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