Making my way through the second column of this classic trilogy. I love seeing the world through eyes so different from my own. #chunkster
Making my way through the second column of this classic trilogy. I love seeing the world through eyes so different from my own. #chunkster
#setinthemiddleeast day 26 #reallifereading "You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions ."
Akeela: “This story tackles the struggle between embracing modernity and trying to hold on to traditions. It's about a family in Cairo in the early 1900s, navigating their way through a revolution. Each family member‘s story is told from their perspective. They all have double identities and they're all flawed in some way. That's different from Western literature, where one character is often put on a pedestal. It makes them more relatable."