I‘m so disappointed to say this, but I had to bail on this one. I loved this series and was so excited to see a new installment after so many years, but after 75 pages of ridiculously camped up “Southern dialect”, I‘m leaving it far, far behind.
I‘m so disappointed to say this, but I had to bail on this one. I loved this series and was so excited to see a new installment after so many years, but after 75 pages of ridiculously camped up “Southern dialect”, I‘m leaving it far, far behind.
If Paper Son isn't Rozan at her best, it's hard to tell. For book 12 in a series to be this good defies the odds, the years that separated this book from it's predecessor didn't slow her down a bit. Long-time fans will be delighted in the return of this pair. Fans of PI fiction starring smart, capable (and yes, mouthy) women will find a lot to reward them in these pages.
Full thoughts:https://wp.me/p3z9AH-42I