This was… fine? Some good stories from his life. Not the most compelling Christian book I‘ve ever read by a long shot. But I finished it, and I don‘t finish books I don‘t like.
This was… fine? Some good stories from his life. Not the most compelling Christian book I‘ve ever read by a long shot. But I finished it, and I don‘t finish books I don‘t like.
Love Furtick always and the message was strong and amazing in this one!
God is not in love with future you. He's in love with the true you, even the most frustrating parts.
We can't reduce Christianity to a self-help program. Jesus didn't bleed and die on the cross so we could perfect ourselves. A world around us is in desperate need of the love and grace of God. People are hungry for what we have, but we're too discouraged by our first world sins to notice. We think we have to be perfect to be effective.
That moment when you accidentally pull all the laundry on you.
Sometimes you want to read at the park before the 8pm service. But then you run into a million and one creeps on the way (Someone honked at me and expected me to just mosey on over to their car and another guy followed me and recorded a video of me on his Kindle until I noticed???) and you decide reading at church is safer 👌🏼💒
Our weaknesses don't disqualify us. They actually qualify us even more, because they are the portals through which God's power permeates our lives.
Truth bombs.
Love this.
Books are here!