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Joined March 2016

A room without books is like a body without a soul .... You can find me at doddyaboutbooks.com 🇦🇺
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Enclave by Claire G. Coleman
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Revenant Gun by Yoon Ha Lee
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ZENITH by Lindsay Cummings, Sasha Alsberg
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The Quiet Violence of Dreams by K. Sello Duiker
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I had this book out from the library for a while but I put off reading it as I suspected it would be tough. While the content is difficult, Jensen‘s narrative voice is incredibly readable. Her style is poetic and she really sucks you in. I finished this in 2 sittings. Gun violence is not generally something I need to think about as an Australian. It is shocking to me just how much it has permeated Jensen‘s life.
This book is incredibly powerful.

LeeRHarry I have had this on my radar and now I really want to read it - great review 😊 2y
Sue Thank you! It‘s very moving, I think you will enjoy it. (As much as you can something of this nature anyway) 2y
Chelsea.Poole Great review and lovely photo! 2y
Sue @Chelsea.Poole Thank you!! 2y
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Every Version of You is an interesting thought experiment in how humans could change and adapt if we shed our bodies entirely, and enter a computer environment. Chan also ponders about how different those changes are in comparison to the way our personalities shift due to age and experience.

While the first half was a little slow, things certainly sped up in the second half of the book. I thought this was great!

Exactly as I Am | Rae White
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Rae White is a delightful local poet and I was thrilled to be able to virtually attend the launch of their latest collection in July.

I read it last night and I see many rereads in my future - I loved it. Rae writes about transness and misgendering, queerness and polyamory. I particularly love how much they love birds and the way birds feature in this collection. This collection also features lot of word play and play with structure and format.

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Exactly as I Am | Rae White
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Rae White is a delightful local poet and I was thrilled to be able to virtually attend the launch of their latest collection in July.

I read it last night and I see many rereads in my future - I loved it. Rae writes about transness and misgendering, queerness and polyamory. I particularly love how much they love birds and the way birds feature in this collection. This collection also features lot of word play and play with structure and format.

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The Fae Keeper | H.E. Edgmon
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I finished The Fae Keeper by HE Edgmon during the week. I thought this was a trilogy rather than a duology so I was sad to be leaving Wyatt and his crew earlier than I expected.

I love Edgmon‘s writing. Wyatt‘s sense of humour and the way he relates to the reader is just great. I did enjoy getting perspectives from some other main players this time as well.

I really enjoyed this one and I‘m looking forward to whatever Edgmon

MrsMalaprop Hello again 👋😊. 2y
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Enclave | Claire G. Coleman
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I‘m reading this amazing book this weekend. How about you?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love your book sleeve 💐 2y
Soubhiville I also love your booksleeve. Very pretty. 2y
CarolynM 👋 So nice to see you back! 2y
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MrsMalaprop Making a start on this one. Didn‘t know you were still on here. 👋 2y
Sue @CarolynM Thank you! 2y
Sue @MrsMalaprop Oh hey there! I pop in every now and then, but I think I prefer Insta these days. Though it looks like one of my biggest complaints about having to add Aussie new releases every time has been fixed at least. 2y
Sue @Soubhiville Thank you as well 😊 2y
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Folks I‘ve been on a bit of a Litsy hiatus, but I thought I would drop back in to let you know about the 2020 Aussies Rule Reading challenge. I‘d love it if you read along! Most of my posting will be happening at my Instagram account which is doddyaboutbooks


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My library got these in for me. I‘m very excited to read them, and happy that other readers in the region will be able to read them too!


Megabooks Sissy is so good! 5y
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The Far Field | Madhuri Vijay
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Picked this up as I forgot a book for my specialist appointment. I‘m really enjoying it so far.

Cathythoughts Sounds good. I think I‘ll try a sample on kindle now 👍🏻 5y
ErikasMindfulShelf I loved it! 5y
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Dyschronia | Jennifer Mills
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Folks, I‘ve put some helpful lists up on the blog for #aussiesrule2019 - doddyaboutbooks.com 😊

Also this book is delightful and you should check it out.

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A Long Way from No Go | Tjanara Goreng Goreng
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Izai.Amorim That‘s really distressing. I didn‘t know about it. 5y
Sue @Izai.Amorim Very distressing! It‘s not something I‘ve seen widely discussed in the mainstream. Owning that fact and talking about it would make it impossible for the government to treat the Indigenous people the way that they do. Much easier to ignore the generations of systematic abuse and trauma and the effects. Both criminal and heart breaking. 5y
Izai.Amorim @Sue I found the fact they have similar symptoms as children of alcoholics very shocking. The suggestion of mixing Western psychotherapy and their own spiritual healing rituals very good. We can only hope that people in power will see the light someday... 5y
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The Wife Drought | Annabel Crabb
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The Bridge | Enza Gandolfo
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This one smacked me in the feels.

A wonderful story about family, friendship, grief and loss.

#stellaprize2019 #aussiesrule2019

CarolynM On my list🙂 5y
Sue @CarolynM it‘s so good 💜 5y
Joanne1 I‘ve just started this one and it got it hooks in to me from the get go. 5y
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Oops, my hand slipped.

Now I just need to get a handle on my Library holds so I can read them. #firstworldproblems

Also @Litsy small issue with the author‘s name here? 👆

kgriffith Thanks, I‘ll make a note — I haven‘t tried editing a manual db entry yet so am not sure who can/if I can, but it‘ll be good to find out! 5y
Sue No worries, thank you @kgriffith ! 5y
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Re the recently released Ghostbusters reboot.


Weaponxgirl I loved that movie! And I was horrified by what jones went through on Twitter in particular 5y
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If you‘re playing along, this would be a good one for the book about gender prompt.

cathysaid 😂😂👏😂😂 5y
Jeg Just love this book.❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Wraith | Alex Smithers
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Readergrrl Love this!!! 5y
Patchshank 😂😂😂 I think most of us feel like that. Then we read the news and think oh God..it's not a fever dream 😵 5y
Karkar 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Wraith | Alex Smithers
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My library holds are out of control ....😬

Emilymdxn Yes sister outsider! 5y
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This book is excellent. 🙏🏼

ReadosaurusText @Sue Agreed! I loved how brave Brittney Cooper was in her willingness to share her experiences so candidly. 5y
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It‘s Black History Month in the US. What are you planning on reading?

Weaponxgirl I‘ve read 2 in that stack and enjoyed and I‘m planning to read this one this month too. 😊 5y
readordierachel The Jemisin and Drayden are on my list too! 5y
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Terra Nullius | Claire Coleman
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This is my Swiss Army Rec for the #24in48 42 hour challenge.

This is such an important book, I think every Australian, everyone who belongs to a culture that has colonised another, and every one living on colonised land should read it.



Rissreads One of my favourites! ❤️💛🖤 5y
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Hours late for my #24in48 shelfie, but who cares. It‘s just after 6 am Sunday and I‘m ready to pick up and keep on with the tagged book, which I‘m really enjoying.

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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The Disasters () | M. K. England
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Who is ready for the #24in48? I am! I can‘t wait to stuck into my stack!

Gennic Omg I love Host Club! 6y
GatheringBooks oooh! am thinking of joining!!! 6y
hermyknee The Disasters is such a fun book! 6y
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Sue @GatheringBooks Do it! It‘s not too late and it‘s a heap of fun! 6y
GatheringBooks @Sue i just joined!!! wheeeeee!!! 🧚🏼‍♀️📚😍 6y
Sue @GatheringBooks woohoo! Have fun! 6y
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Hey folks! I‘m part of the Aussie Emergency Contact blog tour - you can check out my post here: http://doddyaboutbooks.com/2019/01/19/blogtour-emergency-contact-by-mary-h-k-cho...

I absolutely love this book, the characters are great and Choi explores some really interesting concepts. Of course there‘s a more in depth review on the blog 😬 .

shelf-devoted Really keen to read this one! 6y
Sue @shelf-devoted It‘s so good! 6y
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The Disasters () | M. K. England
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This was a cover buy and I‘m absolutely loving it!

readordierachel That tag line is good, too 👍🏽 6y
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Boy Swallows Universe | Trent Dalton
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I‘ve been listening to this one and really enjoying it. Just to demonstrate how small Brisbane is - I mentioned the work colleague that I sit next to that I was reading it - she knows the author as their kids are at school together.


JennyM Indeed it is...scarily so sometimes. For some reason I thought he worked at Avid - but I think that was Craig Silvey a few years ago. 6y
Sue @JennyM So many authors work at Avid! (You may have been thinking of Trent Jamieson) And I‘ve recently seen Bri Lee popping up on their social media accounts. And Krissy Kneen of course. 6y
JennyM @Sue makes you realise how much talent we have in Brissie 👏🏼 6y
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Hazel first suspected her mother was a murderer at the age of 9. This book follows Hazel‘s journey as a terrified daughter who managed to escape her mother‘s influence and go to the police, through the court cases and their relationship in her mother‘s old age. A real kicker of a story!


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After the Lights Go Out | Lili Wilkinson
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Happy New Year! I‘m about to start my second book of 2019. How are you folks spending your New Year‘s Day?

CarolynM Happy New Year 🎉 I'm watching the Big Bash and reading 6y
Dragon Happy New Year 🥳 6y
Bookzombie Happy New Year!🎆 🎉 6y
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LeeRHarry Happy New Year - air con and reading 😊 6y
AnneCecilie Happy new year 🎆 6y
Redwritinghood Happy New Year! 6y
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Aussie Rules | Jill Shalvis
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Hi folks, I‘ve just posted on the blog the new set of prompts for the Aussies Rule 2019 challenge.

Check it out here bit.ly/2SnoCTi


Just tagging a few of you who might be interested!

@GatheringBooks @Lauredhel @MandaChittles @CarolynM @ReadingDownUnder @JennyM

BookwormDownUnder Wow! I‘m using this weekend to decide my reading challenges. I‘ll see what I can do with this one! It will be a challenge for me as I‘m still firmly ensconced in my American tastes. But it will be a good way to expand my world. Lianne Moriarty started that for me in 2018! 🙂 6y
Sue I hope you decide to play along @ReadingDownUnder. There are so many AWESOME Aussie books and authors but our market swallows them in favour of the US and UK hits. Plus the Aussie names our publishers mostly get behind are white and straight. It makes me cranky. 6y
GatheringBooks aussie authors are the best! :) love the picturebook makers most of all! shaun tan will always be a personal favourite. will check the link out. we are doing a #WomenReadWomen2019 theme though, so this means I could only read female aussie authors/illustrators. 6y
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Sue @GatheringBooks Shaun Tan is amazing. Fortunately we have plenty of female authors and illustrators 😊 6y
JennyM Thanks so much for this @Sue. We do have so many great authors and I loved this challenge last year - it really pushed me to read outside my usual picks. 😘 6y
CarolynM I failed so spectacularly at the reading challenges I started this year I resolved not to do them in future. But I might take some cues from your challenge during the year🙂 6y
Lauredhel Cool! Just a heads up that a lot of us disabled people find "differently abled" to be a hideously twee euphemism. "Disabled" or "with a disability" are fine. (And despite the institutional push for 'person-first' language by nondisabled 'experts', there is a pretty strong move toward identity-first language in the disabled community.) 6y
Sue Thanks @Lauredhel , I‘ll fix that! 6y
Lauredhel @Sue cheers :) 6y
Izai.Amorim Happy new year! It must already be 2019 over there! 🍾 6y
Sue Happy new year @Izai.Amorim ! 2019 is 5 hours old right now 🎉 Best wishes! 6y
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This book is a gripping, if sad read. Cuskelly dives into the events and personalities that lead up to the brutal murders of three people by their neighbour. Cuskelly‘s approach is mostly balanced, and she interviews many family members of the victims and friends of the perpetrator in order to get a measure of the people involved, and the town it happened in. I highly recommend this one!

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Well hello there!


JennyM Looking forward to your thoughts on this one, Sue 6y
Sue @JennyM I really enjoyed it. It‘s very sad, but a pretty balanced and in depth view of this terrible event. 6y
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Half-Resurrection Blues | Daniel Jos Older
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This is the most unbelievable thing I‘ve read for a long time. What sort of heathen does this?

CarolynM 😱😱😱 6y
laurieluna Who puts milk in peppermint tea as well?? 😱 6y
Cathythoughts There are sweets called “ milky mints” .... but milk in peppermint tea ???!!! 😱 6y
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Oryx No no no 6y
TrishB Nope....just nope....I don‘t agree with milk in Earl Grey either....but people do that too 😁 (edited) 6y
ju.ca.no 😨😨 who actually does that😱 6y
saresmoore Bahaha! Gross. 6y
TheBookDream Unless it‘s a latte or you‘re going for a straight up London Fog kind of deal, NO (edited) 6y
OrangeMooseReads Ewww that just sounds yucky 6y
Nebklvr I suppose just icing it is sacrilege too? 3y
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Eggshell Skull | Bri Lee
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MrsMalaprop This book keeps popping up on my radar. Reckon I need to read it. 6y
Jeg @MrsMalaprop I enjoyed ( if that‘s the right word) it. Well worth a read I think. 6y
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Terra Nullius | Claire Coleman
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What do these three books have in common? They are all post apocalyptic fiction by First Nations authors.(And they are all awesome!)

LeeRHarry I really want to read Moon of the Crusted Snow and being Aussie Terra Nullius is on the list too 🇦🇺 6y
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The Life to Come | Michelle De Kretser
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Me: I really must concentrate on reading the books on my shelf.

Also me: borrows and reserves a bunch of library books.


Hestapleton Me all day every day. 6y
Joanne1 This is me too. Working at two different libraries doesn‘t help!! 6y
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It‘s been a while since I‘ve done one of these. I read a lot of awesome books in November and really enjoyed the tagged one! I‘m happy my authors of colour stat is up this month.

kspenmoll Awesome! 🙌🏻🎉 6y
Joanne1 Impressive!! 6y
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Undying (An Unearthed Novel) | Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner
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Time for this roller coaster ride!

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Untitled | Unknown
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My 200th book for the year is not in the Litsy data base. @Litsy could you please assist?

Melanin Garden is a passionate, no holds barred collection of poems about politics, gender and social commentary.. Anisa Nandaula is a slam poetry champion and I can hear her voice coming off the pages. Highly recommend!


Cinfhen Sounds wonderful 6y
Litsy You can add a new record to the Litsy database using our Add a Book to Litsy page here: https://www.librarything.com/litsy_addbook_manual.php 6y
Sue @Litsy awesome thank you! 6y
Sue Here it is 6y
Joanne1 Wow, 200 books. I can only dream of getting through that many. 6y
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The Brightsiders | Jen Wilde
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Congratulations to @Lauredhel for being the first person ever to finish the Aussies Rule Reading Challenge 2018!

There‘s a little prize pack on it‘s way to you - thank you for participating!

If you‘re participating in #aussiesrule2018 make sure you let me know when you finish!

GatheringBooks i love australian authors!! sounds like an awesome reading challenge. 6y
Lauredhel :D 6y
Lauredhel Oh, it's the new Jen Wilde! Which is on my TBR! 6y
Sue @Lauredhel 😊 I hope you enjoy it! 6y
Sue @GatheringBooks I‘ve posted about it a bit this year on my blog which is doddyaboutbooks.com you can find the challenge list as well as a bunch of suggestions. I‘ll be running another challenge for 2019 if you want to play along. 😊 🇦🇺 6y
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Weekend reading plans! Can‘t wait!

BookHermit This is on my library pile. Looks intriguing. 6y
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Rogue Protocol | Martha Wells
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Current mood. 😂😂😂

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Preservation | Jock Serong
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I‘ve started reading this one, and rather than the 1st person POV chapters being named for the character, there is a symbol at the beginning of the chapter and at the bottom of each page to let you know who is speaking.


anwade88 Interesting! 6y
Libby1 🤔 Interesting! Is it difficult to follow? 6y
ericarobynreads That‘s awesome!! 6y
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Sue @Libby1 Not at all. The 1st person POV chapters are interspersed with a 3rd person POV of an officer who mis trying to find out what has happened, so it‘s well flagged. (edited) 6y
Izai.Amorim How will that work on a kindle? You can have images but not as elegant as in print. Greetings, Sue. Long time no see... 6y
Sue Good question @Izai.Amorim ! (I don‘t know the answer though) Nice to see you! How is your new book coming along? 6y
Izai.Amorim @Sue Thanks. The book is draining all my energy and free time. Trying to finish by the end of the year. It‘s a family saga covering one century 1889-1989. I‘ve reached 1971 so I‘m almost there. The problem is, it‘s about my own family so it‘s not always easy. I‘m more comfortable writing funny stuff and this story is definitely not funny. But I had to get it out of my system... 6y
Sue Wow @Izai.Amorim , what a challenge you‘ve given yourself. Good luck with it, and I hope you feel better for it. 6y
Izai.Amorim @Sue Thanks! 👍👍 6y
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The Power Of Hope | Kon Karapanagiotidis
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UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Lauredhel Yes...and disabled people as "leaners", which is uncomfortably close to "useless eaters". 6y
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Best Foot Forward | Adam Hills
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Are you looking at the challenges you have left to complete or the year and freaking out? I know I am! I‘ve just posted a prompt mash up for the #aussiesrule2018 challenge to help you out with some suggestions! You can find it here bit.ly/2yRlebw

thegreensofa So I‘m not the only one freaking out! 🤪 (that really is my face right now lol!) 6y
Sue @thegreensofa Definitely not just you! How is it November??? 6y
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BookNAround That is hilarious! 6y
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My hand slipped rather a lot at the book store this morning. What are you reading this weekend?


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Attention Aussie and particularly Brissie Littens!

I‘ve been working with the local office of Amnesty International to put together a book club! This book will be out first one, and we will be meeting on Nov 10 at @avidreader at 2 pm to have a chat about it. I have a Facebook page called Amnesty Bookclub - Qld if you would like to check it out.

GlassAsDiamonds If you had enough participants, would you be interested in Litsy Buddy reads for people unable to get to QLD? 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Having tech issues with this comment 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Would you be interesting in adding a Litsy Buddy read on for people interested but unable to get to QLD? 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Argh!!!! Third time: Litsy Buddy read.... would you consider one for those of us unable to get to QLD?? 6y
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Sue @GlassAsDiamonds Definitely! I‘m planning on posting the topics that we talk about on the Facebook page, but I‘m happy to chat here as well 😊 (edited) 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @Sue oh and look, all three posted...🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ My Facebook page is a constant war of keeping the colleagues from the crazy family... Litsy is so much nicer!!! 😂😂😂 6y
Sue @GlassAsDiamonds I do understand - I created a new Facebook profile. I can‘t deal with my family on social media and the final straw was my 50 yr old cousin setting up a Facebook event for his father‘s funeral. 😳 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @Sue that‘s not a bad idea!!! I‘ve woken up to dozens of incensed messages (outside FB!!) from friends after an uncle went off on an unhinged anti-cat rant on a post of mine about my rescue cats 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. “At least it‘s nominally less offensive than his politics” didn‘t really work! 6y
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Nine Perfect Strangers | Liane Moriarty
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I‘m pretty happy that it‘s half way through October and still cold enough to be wearing long pants! It‘s a wet and cold weekend here, and I‘m reading this and putting together some comprehension questions for one of my staff members to hopefully help her do her job properly!

Abailliekaras I‘m enjoying this at the moment! A little concerned that it‘s a 10 day retreat and we‘re still on day 1, but love her eye for characters and dialogue. 6y
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The Brightsiders | Jen Wilde
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I‘m struggling to settle this morning. Hopefully this beautiful book by Jen Wilde will help.
