This one wasn‘t my favorite by Sophie Hannah. I‘ve read at least 10 of her books and I like her a lot, but the story went to a place that grossed me out a bit. I‘ll still read others, but for now I need a palate cleanser.
This one wasn‘t my favorite by Sophie Hannah. I‘ve read at least 10 of her books and I like her a lot, but the story went to a place that grossed me out a bit. I‘ll still read others, but for now I need a palate cleanser.
Third in her police procedural series and the best so far. Stressed-out mum Sally is watching the news when a story comes on about a familial homicide - Geraldine Bretherwick has seemingly killed her daughter and herself - but Sally gets a shock when grieving husband Mark comes on camera. Because Sally recently spent some quality mum-time at a spa bonking the brains out of a man calling himself Mark Bretherwick, and this ain't him. Great fun.
British policing at its finest lol
A great mystery involving kidnapping, murder and dalliances. The sinister secrets of Moms and play dates and complex marriages. A proper British murder mystery on a sunny California Caturday afternoon.
Wowser on this murder kidnapping maybe suicide story! An honest look at the challenges of motherhood is an extra bonus. Loving a dark mystery on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
Finished. Finally. A little confusing.
I'm really trying to finish this book. I'd like to know what happens but I'm finding it hard to focus. It may have helped if I had realized this was part of a series before I started it!
If books are food, this series is a bag of Cheetos. Not the most nutritious but so tasty and you keep eating them til the horrifying realization that a) you ate the entire bag in one sitting and b) you want another bag right this second