Mum claims she had to read and read and read until Snugglepot and Cuddlepie were not in imminent danger when she read this to me when I was little.
Mum claims she had to read and read and read until Snugglepot and Cuddlepie were not in imminent danger when she read this to me when I was little.
#Riotgrams #day3 #fairytales As I got older I developed a love for dark fairytales, the original versions that were full of horror & desperate deals. But as a child, I adored Snugglepot & Cuddlepie, the Aussie version of fairies. There are all types of Gumnut Bables,Wattle babies,Flannel Flower babies, Boronia babies & Little Ragged Blossom. Then there were the villains, the Big Bad Banksia Men(middle row, left)who terrorized the innocent fairies.
#marchintoreading #day11 #diversepicturebooks I have a lot of picture books for my grandkids, but not many that you would class as 'diverse'. I tend to buy what they pick out and ones from my childhood. Both of us love Dr Seuss, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie is an Australian classic, Night Noises is a Mem Fox, another Aussie classic, and Where The Wild Things Are is my favourite from when I was little.My granddaughter goes for the Disney classics too.
Some Sydney street art celebrating the life and work of May Gibbs. Nutcote is the name of the cottage she once lived in (which is still open as a museum!).