Another bilingual composition this one featuring nursery rhymes that I grew up with! Also the illustrations are gorgeous. #diversepicturebooks #diversereads
Another bilingual composition this one featuring nursery rhymes that I grew up with! Also the illustrations are gorgeous. #diversepicturebooks #diversereads
Another classic from childhood. Rocks can be best friends too! A southwestern Native American guide to finding the best rock. #diversepicturebooks #diversereads
What I like about this series is that each one is a different kids, and then within the story themselves the kids are diverse as well.
-Bedtime for Bateman
-Good morning Superman
-Be A Star Womder woman
I don't have a lot of #diversepicturebooks that are easy to get to right now and the only one I can guarantee that I own (or did at one point) is Corky's Hiccups, which was much beloved when I was a little. So I had to resort to a Goodreads search to get these covers. #MarchIntoReading
As a kid, I absolutely loved this African retelling of the Cinderella story. #DiversePictureBooks #MarchIntoReading
#marchintoreading Day 11 I don't have children, but I have a nephew (almost 1 yr old) that I'm always on the lookout for great books to get him. I take screenshots of some you guys post, but I found these by searching Google. #diversepicturebooks
My #diversepicturebooks as shown on my cozy leopard-print blanket. 😊
#marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
Talking my wife into letting our son watch anime was a hard sell, but once I finally got her to watch My Neighbor Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service she fell in love (how could you not?) and now they play in heavy rotation.
We've got picture books of Totoro, Kiki, and Ponyo (saving that movie for when he's a bit older) and it is wonderful to hear my son using names like Satsuki Kusakabe and Kanta Ogaki when he plays.
Other students tease Yoko because her lunch is different. She turns their negativity into something wonderful. 🍣 🐟 🍚 #marchintoreading #diversepicturebooks @RealLifeReading