I usually read this book about once a year. It is one of my all time favorites. It deserves to be a series on HBO or Netflix.
I usually read this book about once a year. It is one of my all time favorites. It deserves to be a series on HBO or Netflix.
Reading the unabridged version for the first time, and realized that Max Brooks has dated the book: The Ukrainians are evacuating to Crimea. Lol
While I enjoyed all the different voices in the audiobook I still wasn‘t sold on the book as a whole.
World War Z, a book that was definitely a book that stood out among the rest. Max Brooks really set himself apart from everyone else with his use of formatting and his expertise in storytelling. World War Z is a very creative book and you have to think creatively to understand what is occurring. Brooks goes deep into detail and sometimes horrifies the reader, especially in the scene of discovering Patient Zero
At first I liked the conceit of an international report to tell the story of the zombie infection destroying the world but a third of the book through it really felt like a US gov report and I couldn't bring myself to care anymore. The idea is neat and the writing is nice so it might be my personal failing that I need to have a connection to some of the characters: an idea book doesn't usually grab me.
I'm not sure it looks better but it's better organized than before and I can at least find everything now. I even got rid of a bunch. The top shelf has nonfiction on the left. Fiction takes up the rest of the top shelf and all of the middle and series is the bottom. These are all books I haven't read yet. Now I feel better that it's organized. #tbr #shelfie #bookshelves
Pretty much one of the best reads I've ever had :) A refreshing entry in a well known and much trodden, trope-filled genere, Max Broox's book actually scared the pants off me. His well thought out scenarios of various battle fronts in humanity's war against the undead were highly intelligent, original and dark on every level. It was so good I read it twice and also bought the well invested in Audible edition.