My pick for February's #tearjerker prompt for #ReadWithMrBook 🐉 In fairness, I read this years ago, and I remember it making me cry, but I can't actually say for sure that it will manage it again! We'll see 😅
My pick for February's #tearjerker prompt for #ReadWithMrBook 🐉 In fairness, I read this years ago, and I remember it making me cry, but I can't actually say for sure that it will manage it again! We'll see 😅
So as its raining a lot out side I decided to stay in, in me Jammie's!
The cats got his sofa and I've got mine and we are both binge watching #Merlin 😍 we both agree that Merlin aka Colin Morgan is the sexiest Irish hunk on the planet. Period....
#Merlin #irishhunk #Irish #tvseries #kingauthor #Morgana #knightsoftheroundtable #magic #doyoubelieveinmagic?
This prologue left me heartbroken! #bookdragon #ilovereading #thedragonofavalon #tabarron