Thoughtful biographies about complex, flawed, amazing women are always going to be my thing. This is a great example & a fascinating and heartbreaking story.
Thoughtful biographies about complex, flawed, amazing women are always going to be my thing. This is a great example & a fascinating and heartbreaking story.
I am feeling a fair amount of #ladyrage at this moment.
The post-war treatment of Christine is making me want to go back in time and punch some people.
Christine's story is being taken over a bit by Francis Cammaerts. To be fair, he is a very magnetic figure, but nonetheless! (#bookanddinner tonight: homemade sausage-mushroom pizza + salad)
Well, it was probably inevitable: #codenameverityfeels
Reading about a Polish SOE agent and the Polish resistance is weirdly heartening. #biography #awesomewomen
I can't put this down! What a life!
Great read, this is the story of a woman who faced many obstacles and met them head on.