I'm a big fan of both Star Wars and Elizabeth Wein's books, so this one was A Lot, emotionally speaking. Great backstory for Rose & Paige, interesting leadup to The Last Jedi. Just 😭💔💕
I'm a big fan of both Star Wars and Elizabeth Wein's books, so this one was A Lot, emotionally speaking. Great backstory for Rose & Paige, interesting leadup to The Last Jedi. Just 😭💔💕
Super fun, sweet contemporary romance, with a nice character-driven plot. 🎉👍
Happy Saturday! I got really tired at the end of this week, so I'm looking forward to some reading time this weekend.
Well, my holds came in.
Loving this one so far. It reminds me a bit of one of my recent favorites, Sofia Samatar's WINGED HISTORIES.
(Also, hi Litsy! I got married last week and basically stopped reading for a bit. Hopefully that's past now.)
Went with an alternate history pick for today's Set in France theme. Ile-Rien isn't exactly France, but it's not NOT France either. And Martha Wells is one of my favorite underrated authors. #jubilantjuly
Dark Lord of Derkholm looks like a funny, loving satire of high fantasy tropes, but it's also a really kind look at who gets to be a family. #jubilantjuly
I love the Wells & Wong series! Perfect middle grade historical mysteries. This one isn't out in the US yet, but I went ahead and got a UK copy. Lovely! #middlegrade #mystery
Both the title and author fit today's M/N/O prompt! Epic fantasy with an interesting world & complex, fantastic main character. #jubilantjuly
I didn't plan this, but I just posted my review for my choice for the #jubilantjuly "Whole New World" theme! Yoon Ha Lee's hexarchate is wildly inventive.
I really like all of Uma Krishnaswami's books that I've read so far & this is no exception. A sweet, funny, & encouraging story.
The #jubilantjuly prompt for today is workaholics and if solving crime on your honeymoon doesn't count for that, I don't know what does.
Gritty, raw, and vital. If you love books about complex female friendship, this one is great. I still can't tell how I feel about the ending, but in a good & ambiguous way. #YA #contemporary
Red, white, & blue for #jubilantjuly: three favorite books by contemporary American authors.
Still trying to sort out my reaction to this one. I liked it, but very much on a surface level. #scifi
One of the few ARCs I picked up at Annual. Super sweet & kind story. ☕🐉💖
Kinda accidentally disappeared here! I got engaged at the beginning of June & then got busy with work (summer reading) AND hit a reading slump.
But I really liked this one from Cassandra Rose Clarke. Intimate, thoughtful story with some cool SF aspects. If you like books with complicated family dynamics, this would also be a good one!
This book is just about perfect: the characters, the structure, the sense of history and culture, and above all the prose, which has a poetic bell-like quality that I'm entirely in love with. #diversebooks #favoritebooks
Nice middle grade sci-fi, with some complex themes and concepts. I do think it could have been trimmed down a bit. #middlegrade #scifi
Wowwwww, this one is amazing. I found less intimidating than expected, but ymmv. Fascinating characters & world, and I'll be thinking about the implications and craft for a long time.
The next installment in my favorite series, and it was worth the (very long) wait! #meganwhalenturner #queensthief
Meant to put this up yesterday for #maybookflowers but got distracted by the news.
Also, sorry for all the feelings.
Finished my #lunchtimereads book today! Wasn't 100% sold initially, but Molly and the story both charmed me in the end.
Lovely middle grade book about a Pakistani Muslim girl who has to navigate changing friendships, growing up, and finding her voice. (Wimsey likes it too.) #middlegrade #diversebooks #catsoflitsy
Black and White Cover: this is one of my favorite books from the past few years! Beautifully written & imaginative. #maybookflowers
Supernatural mysteries for #maybookflowers! I really like the Lynburn Legacy books & Sarah Rees Brennan's books in general.
Sneaking in under the wire for today's #maybookflowers prompt. The last page of my beloved Imperial Raadch trilogy. (I guess this is technically a spoiler.)
Had a good writing day, so now I'm rereading a favorite book & drinking honey-lavender hot chocolate.
Rereading some of the books I own. I did enjoy this one, but whoooey the coded racism is a thing. #bookshelfproject #booksiown #fantasy
I'm kind of eh on Scalzi (he gets a lot of praise for what others have already said better) but he writes decent fluffy scifi and that's what I was in the mood for.
Not my favorite Tiffany Aching by far, but it does have its moments.
The end of a long (great) weekend so I'm going to curl up with a stack of books
Bandette continues to be great! Though a page or two of everydayness might have been nice. #graphicnovel
A lovely middle grade fantasy, about friendship, finding your power, and dragons. (I am pro-🐉) #middlegrade #fantasy #dragons
Reread a favorite, about an Early Christian girl who becomes a doctor. The pacing is maybe a bit wonky, but I love the characters. #historicalfiction #gillianbradshaw
This is one of those series that isn't particularly new or innovative, but that has just enough interest to keep me wanting to read.