Read this in grad school. I just re read earlier this year and it was not as impressive on second reading.
Read this in grad school. I just re read earlier this year and it was not as impressive on second reading.
And does history repeat itself,the first time as tragedy,the second time as farce? No that's too grand,too considered a process. History just burps,and we taste again that raw onion sandwich it swallowed centuries ago. #history #julianbarnes
"And so it is with love. We must believe in it, or we're lost. We may not obtain it, or we may obtain it and find it renders us unhappy; we still must believe in it. If we don't, then we merely surrender to the history of the world and to someone else's truth."
"But I can tell you why to love. Because the history of the world, which stops at the half-house of love to bulldoze it into rubble, is ridiculous without it. The history of the wood becomes brutally self-important without love."