It is at this point that normal language gives up and goes and has a drink. #terrypratchett #thecolourofmagic
It is at this point that normal language gives up and goes and has a drink. #terrypratchett #thecolourofmagic
It would take a lot to faze a copper from the Met.
It would take,for example,a huge,battered car that was nothing more nor less than a fireball,a blazing, roaring,twisted metal lemon from hell,driven by a grinning lunatic in sunglasses,sitting amid the flames , trailing thick black smoke,coming straight at them through the lashing rain and the wind at eighty miles per hour.
That would do it every time.
#neilgaiman #terrypratchett #goodomens
And does history repeat itself,the first time as tragedy,the second time as farce? No that's too grand,too considered a process. History just burps,and we taste again that raw onion sandwich it swallowed centuries ago. #history #julianbarnes
Ah! The strength of woman comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men can be analysed,women merely adored. #oscarwilde #anidealhusband
Everyone should read this! Amazing short story and funny Victorian ads from #neilgaiman 😂 #astudyinemerald
We are like butterflies. We flutter for a day and think it is forever! #cosmos #carlsagan #punyhumans
A computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things!
Such a witty and funny book. Had me in fits of histerics all the while I was listening to it. Probably made more than one person go: well she's a bit bunkers!
Definitely highly recommend! The best summary of this book is these two lines from it:
Jeeves: we must think sir
Bertie: you think. I haven't got the machinery!
Jeeves smiled paternally or rather,he had a kind of a paternal mascular spasm about the mouth which is the nearest he ever gets to smiling. #jeeves #pgwodehouse
What a book !! I can't stop reading! #americangods #neilgaiman
It is not that I object to the work, mind you; I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me: the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart. #ThreeMenInABoat #JeromeKJerome
The only good thing about me spending the summer holiday with Katz was that the rest of the America didn't have to do that!
Shame trailed instant intimacy.. . Was our intimacy paid for in the wrong currency? Or is intimacy the desired product no matter where you find it, How you enquire it, What you pay for it, Black market, grey market, taxed, untaxed, under that table, over the counter?
Whenever it's conceivably possible the business of today is put off until manana (tomorrow). In Spain, nothing from a meal to a battle ever happens at the appointed time.
#GeorgeOrwell #homagetoCatalonia
Listening to #GeorgeOrwell talk of poverty and buying in small portions, resulted in my supermarket visit to be the cheapest grocery shopping ever! 😂
The 3rd and last book in the amazing Bobiverse series. I will miss this universe, its habitants and The Bob! #Bobiverse #dennisetaylor