A girl. A cat. An inseparable bond. Is there a killer on the loose? Is it feline or human? Aren‘t all girls part feline? Joyce Carol Oates always writes the eeriest, scariest stories, and this one has a terrifyingly satisfying ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A girl. A cat. An inseparable bond. Is there a killer on the loose? Is it feline or human? Aren‘t all girls part feline? Joyce Carol Oates always writes the eeriest, scariest stories, and this one has a terrifyingly satisfying ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mia, a young adult, is trying to adjust to her body changes. She feels targeted by immature boys at school while her parents separate. She finds comfort in an abandoned lot where feral cats roam. Mia tries her best to befriend the cats. One day, she finds a kitten to take home and she adores it. Miao Dao provides Mia love she cannot find anywhere else. Her mom remarries and Mia is forced to adjust to more changes in her life…creepy ones.
Ms. Oates is usually a miss for me, although I keep giving her chances. She is an accomplished writer and I share her dark and macabre view of the world. And yet, reading her work is usually so...unpleasant. This story is another example. While the unpleasantness was expected, I was surprised at how predictable the story was. If you read the description, you can probably guess the plot. The only real suspense was what would happen to the cat. 🐱
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I like Joyce Carol Oates and was excited to see that she had penned this installment of the Dark Corners series. It was a bit of a slow burn, but worth sticking out. Solid storyline and intriguing ending.
Book 4 in this series..
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