Historical novel about a families life after the Chicago fire. Very well researched and informative. Love reading history in fiction form.
Historical novel about a families life after the Chicago fire. Very well researched and informative. Love reading history in fiction form.
I struggled a bit with this one. While the story and writing were fine, I found it a bit too drawn out and thought it could have been tightened up. It takes place around the Great Fire of Chicago and has a two-pronged plot line, a murder mystery and one family‘s struggle to keep their faith through the aftermath of the murder and fire. Really more between a pick and so-so as I enjoyed the story but was frustrated with its length. 3.5/5⭐️ ⬇️
Love this dedication ❤️
“To all those who feel wounded by loss and pain.
May God bring you beauty from ashes.
The strength, if strength we have, is certainly never in our own selves; it is given us.”
—-Charlotte Bronte
Up next, this one is billed as a Christian historical fiction romance. From the blurb, it sounds like it might have a bit of a mystery as well. 😊🤞And it also appears to be the first in a series. Lovely cover too. 🤎 Out 2/4
Sweet pre-order incentives from Jocelyn Green are available now! https://www.facebook.com/jocelyngreenauthor/posts/2378458455597246
I‘m so excited for Jocelyn Green‘s next novel, Veiled in Smoke, to release in Feb 2020! It‘s set during the time of the Great Chicago Fire, and is available for pre-order now. #VeiledinSmoke #coverreveal #christianfiction #christianhistoricalfiction #mustread #TBR