Another great novel from Helen Humphreys. Great character development along with a wonderful historical setting of life on Centre Island in Toronto in the 1930s when the carousel, fortune tellers and entertainers were all still there.
Another great novel from Helen Humphreys. Great character development along with a wonderful historical setting of life on Centre Island in Toronto in the 1930s when the carousel, fortune tellers and entertainers were all still there.
This book is so exquisitely written I re-read it every few years. Just before WWII two women set out to break the record for flying around the clock for 25 days in a row (refueling in the air). The narrative of their journey and the relationship that develops between them is juxtaposed with the story of a young Jewish girl from a family of carnies who is obsessed with their journey and struggling to accept her identity. A gorgeous read!
#WWW #recommendsday I know I am a broken record on this one but Helen Humphreys is such a skillful and beautiful writer. There's nothing she's written that I haven't loved! My stack is incomplete because I keep pushing her books on friends and loved ones and have to keep replacing copies. #queerbooks