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Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Finally got to use the gift card I got for Mother‘s Day 😊

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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski is one of the great books. What's your favorite classic?

Andrew65 The book below, Grapes of Wrath and Dracula. Also quite enjoyed The Woman in White. 4y
RayHallucinogen Nice choice. Read them as well, except for that last one 4y
shortsarahrose Moby Dick 4y
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nanuska_153 Crime and Punishment is also one of my favourites and was my first Dostoyevsky. David Copperfield is another of my favourite classics 4y
RayHallucinogen You guys know your classics. I get so inspired checking Litsy daily, it's so refreshing. 4y
Schwifty Favorite classic? Hmm. Probably War and Peace- A great story, although Tolstoy himself doubted its merits as a complete novel. 4y
RayHallucinogen It's definitely on my list. 4y
AshleyHoss820 I don‘t know if I have a favorite, but A Tale of Two Cities and the Count of Monte Cristo are pretty high up there! 4y
rmaclean4 @nanuska_153 I read David Copperfield for the first time last year. Loved it. Jane Eyre is one I have read a lot. Pride and Prejudice is another favorite. 4y
nanuska_153 @rmaclean4 same here! Love both Jane Eyre and P&P! 4y
plemmdog Anna Karenina 4y
abandonedonearth Mine is Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. Not only is it my favourite classic, but it‘s my favourite of all novels. 4y
TiminCalifornia The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 4y
MandyJB Is there a bad one? 😍 4y
RayHallucinogen Absolutely. There's no point to give them any space. :) 3y
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