When you just can‘t get enough, you listen to the novellas too!
After reading so many incredible books recently these were the mindless fluff I needed.
The story is average and the endings seem rushed in both selections but it was exactly what I needed as a pallet cleanser series.
Continuing on with my Selection Series readathon! Cant get enough of this series... #TheSelection #ThePrinceAndTheGuard #KeiraCass #Readathon #FaveSeries #Bookworm
So far I am really enjoying this book I can't really relate because it's kind of a spearatic book but overall it's a great book.
What's happening so far is pretty much, before America (the main character) was chosen to be in the selection she loved a boy named Aspen. And then she fell for Prince Maxon and cannot choose between the two.
Went to Goodwill while running errands and got a small #bookhaul. Some are for keeps, some are for gifts 😊 I also got two others not pictured, they've already gone to my brother. One was a Nirvana book, which I thought he'd enjoy. I got the Jenny Han book set to try bc it's the whole series for $1, and I'm holding out hope it's better than the To All The Boys I've Loved Before series... I just couldn't with those.
My aunt is sending me all these books. I'm so excited!!😀📚
Hey ihr, wie ihr seht bin auch hier! Diese App gefällt mir bisher sehr gut ? Gerade habe ich auch ein bisschen gelesen, damit ich in Begin Again auch mal weiterkomme. Nebenbei lese ich auch noch Selection Storys 1? Auf Instagram wird in der nächsten Zeit nicht viel kommen, weil mein Internet zurzeit sehr schlecht ist? Für mich geht es jetzt gleich an den Badesee! Tschüss ??
I liked these two shorts. Very quick reads -around 60 pages each. They follow Maxon and Aspen's versions of events that took place in The Selection and The Elite. There's an author q&a (which I found moderately interesting- I usually enjoy those) and play lists, which I didn't care about. A nice companion to the series.
Um, yeah... Reading this one too. I thought it'd be interesting to read hear shorts since they're told from the guys' perspective.