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Joined September 2016

I'm a bitch don't be friends with a whore
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1) No, I'll read anywhere.
2) It depends -- if it is a book I own I fold the pages like the monster I am, if it is a borrowed book then anything handy, bookmark, a clean diaper, doesn't matter
3) Depends on the book.
4) Both
5) TV usually
6) Depends on my concentration level
7) At home and everywhere
8) Silently
9) Sometimes
10) Breaking the spines
11) Depends on the book and why I'm reading it.
12) Open tag -- anyone who wants to

JenlovesJT47 Hi! I emailed you a few days ago, wondering if you could please send me the tracking number for your graphic novel swap package. Thanks! 7y
GlassAsDiamonds How‘s it going over there? Haven‘t seen you in ages, is all okay? Hope just crazy busy. 😊 6y
WarpedSweetness @JenlovesJT47 Sorry I am only replying now. I will send you an email in the next few days. @GlassAsDiamonds Things were not good for a bit, but they're actually getting much, much better. Thanks for checking in. I should be back to posting more in the next few weeks. :-) 6y
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JenlovesJT47 I'm glad to see you back, hope you are doing better! 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness oh good!! 😊😊😊 (well, the getting better bit, not the bad bit!). See you around soon I hope 😊😊😊 6y
alisiakae @WarpedSweetness Just trying to reach you about the Ready Player One #travellingbook? I know @Cinfhen sent it on, have you had a chance to finish it? The next person in the queue to receive it is @TricksyTails. I sent an email a few days ago. I hope everything is okay! 6y
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Batman: Harley Quinn | Paul Dini, Neil Googe
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I've been cleaning and being ruthless with my stuff today. I've started to pack up my stuff already.

Finally I am relaxing and starting on the tagged comic. I love Harley Quinn, always have, so I am really excited to read this.


RadicalReader @WarpedSweetness I love Harley Quinn so incredible how pretty yet intimidating she is she is a force to be reckoned with. 6y
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I'm giving this a pick, because I really wanted to like it and I did, but I don't think I am in the proper state of mind to actually really enjoy it. There were some particular scenes of violence that triggered some of my own personal issues, which normally doesn't happen. I mean I just finished 28 Days Later and that was plenty violent and bloody.

I'm going to skip reading the rest of the series until I'm feeling better.

[DELETED] 3803335244 I‘m sorry you went through violence in your life. 💔 7y
WarpedSweetness @ForeverNerdy ❤ Thank you. 7y
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Batman: Harley Quinn | Paul Dini, Neil Googe
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The spice shaker of comic books coughed up to slips of paper. So I guess I'm reading these next for #letsgetgraphicweeklong

I'm liking that this is making a dent into my TBR.

TheWordJar Love this idea! 7y
WarpedSweetness @TheWordJar Thanks! I got the idea from someone's post on here. 7y
Eggs Great idea 💡 7y
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1) Sailor Moon
2) I haven't read a lot of memoirs in the past -- Coming Clean was good, as was I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.
3) Pumpkin, anything pumpkin, ick.
4) Black Panther!!
5) ❤❤❤❤❤

CocoReads A Sailor Moon. My Thing 1 was obsessed with that when she was a little. 7y
WarpedSweetness @CocoReads I'm still obsessed with Sailor Moon. Lol 7y
CocoReads Tori is too. Lol 7y
KrystleTheBookSlayer Sailor Moon was so good! 7y
WarpedSweetness @Krystle1 It is! And the manga is great too! 7y
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I hated this comic. It was seriously amazing. I cannot wait to read the next volume. Anyone who hasn't read this, read this!!

(There was actually another graphic in this picture. No idea where it went.)


TricksyTails 😂😂😂 I was so confused at first. 7y
WarpedSweetness @TricksyTails lmfao Sorry! That was my initial reaction. 7y
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Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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Has anyone seen this??? It is coming out for Android and iOS. You build your own character, get sorted, learn spells, according to the article.


MinDea I think it is the HPW version of pokemon go! 7y
WarpedSweetness @MinDea aha! That makes sense! 7y
LibrarianRyan Yep. Looks so fun. 7y
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Coco Yes!!!! So exciting 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai 🙌🙌🙌🙌 7y
TricksyTails *grabby hands* 7y
WarpedSweetness @LibrarianRyan @Coco @GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails I can see Litsy being dead for a few days once this comes out!! Lol 7y
LibrarianRyan @WarpedSweetness that is a possibility. 7y
Coco @WarpedSweetness hahaha yes! 7y
GarthRanzz I actually signed up for it when it heard about it last year. When I got the email saying my letter had arrived I about freaked thinking the game was out. Instead it was just the trailer. I hope it lets you play with others online unlike Pokémon Go. 7y
WarpedSweetness @GarthRanzz I should check my email to see if I got anything about it. I'm bad about checking that email. I'm hoping we can play online too. That would be so great! 7y
RadicalReader @WarpedSweetness you says you have to be 11 to get your acceptance letter to Hogwarts so what if it arrives many many years later 😂😂 6y
RadicalReader @WarpedSweetness seriously cannot wait for this game to come out soon enough online play would take this game completely into home run territory 6y
66 likes13 comments
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The spice shaker of comic books selected this for me to read. I'm pretty excited. I've been looking forward to giving this series a try.

I'm trying to keep up with my reading this month, but I'm afraid I won't read anywhere near where I planned. Life keeps trying to knock me down. First all the crap with my ex, then my job situation, now more ex-fiancee crap.

I'm hoping I can push through as I'm really excited about my planned reading.

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28 Days Later Omnibus | Michael Alan Nelson
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Solid four star read. I'm all about Zombies or zombie like creatures. I loved the movie 28 Days Later, and this series is the in-between of that movie and 28 Weeks Later. There were things I didn't like about, like the romance and some of the artwork, but who cares, it was good.

When the zombie apocalypse happens I want to be as bad-ass as Selena.


JackOBotts I‘m with you: absolutely LOVED 28 Days Later. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I did not even know this had been turned into a comic! Must track down! 7y
WarpedSweetness @TobeyTheScavengerMonk It was surprisingly good. If you have comiXology unlimited, it is available on there! That's where I read it. @JackOBotts It was a good movie! 7y
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The spice shaker of comic books picked this as my first read for #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon

It was interesting. I really liked the artwork; it reminded me of Hellboy in a way, the artwork not the story. I don't think I'll be continuing the series though. I liked it, and it was good, but I just wasn't all that into it.

Eyelit I felt the same way about this series 🙂 7y
WarpedSweetness @Eyelit I just felt like it was...lacking something. At least it was good though. 7y
Eyelit Yes! It was good for what it was... but no real hook. 7y
GlassAsDiamonds “Spice shaker of comic books”...😂😂😂😂 7y
WarpedSweetness @Eyelit Exactly! @GlassAsDiamonds I'll have to take a picture tomorrow of the spice shaker of books I have. (I've got three of them.) They decide my fate. Lol 7y
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28 Days Later Omnibus | Michael Alan Nelson
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I haven't been posting much for #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
I did finish The Umbrella Academy yesterday and today I started the tagged comic. I've been distracted because I got a new job!! I'm so excited. :-)

I've been using an old spice shaker to select which comic I want to read next. I plan on catching up tonight and tomorrow. I've been keeping up with all the speech bubble posts.

callielafleur Congrats on the new job! 👏👏👏 7y
Eyelit Congrats on the new job! Very exciting 7y
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WarpedSweetness @Eyelit Thank you! 7y
LeahBergen Congrats on the job! 🎉🎉 7y
ElishaLovesBooks Congratulations on the new job!! 🎉🎉 7y
JenlovesJT47 Hey!! I emailed you yesterday, just a quick question. Can you get back to me ASAP please? Hope you are doing well! 🤗 7y
JenlovesJT47 And congrats! ❤️ 7y
WarpedSweetness @JenlovesJT47 Thank you! And definitely. I haven't checked that email in a while so sorry if it has been sitting. I'll go look! 7y
MiyakoBunny Congrats on the new job 🤗🎉🎉🎉 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Ooohhh!!! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Was it the group interview one??? 7y
Marmie7 Congratulations! That's awesome🙌 7y
Librarybelle Congratulations on the new job! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Congrats on your new job! 🎈 7y
Jas16 Congratulations! 🍾🎉🎊 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Congrats on your new job! How exciting! 7y
WarpedSweetness @ForeverNerdy @Jas16 @CoffeeCatsBooks @Librarybelle @Marmie7 @MiyakoBunny Thanks, guys! Today was my first day and it will be real nice and a great change of place until I move. 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds Thanks! And hah! Not even close. Lol The group interview one never even called me. I called them and they never returned my call. -_- 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness ha. Their loss, this one sounds better! 😊😊😊 congrats again! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
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The Witches | Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake
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Had therapy today, and there was some time to kill for the baby and I afterwards. (My ex decided he wanted to tag along to run an errand. -_-) So we went to the thrift store to poke around. No books really caught my eye except for 'The Witches' and I picked up a couple of book for the baby. He loves ducks and firetrucks.

[DELETED] 3803335244 I love Thrift stores! 7y
WarpedSweetness @ForeverNerdy Me too! I'll miss these local thrift stores when I move. 7y
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1) This is my only, and these are all the books that I have left.
2) Futuristic
3) I prefer liquor, especially mixed drinks. However I do not drink.
4) Hazel, greenish.
5) The tagged book for #BooktoScreen and slowly making my way through the audiobook of The Dark Lure.


GlassAsDiamonds Are you downsizing on purpose or do we need to organize an intervention...? 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds haha No way! I'm trying to rebuild my book collection. I used to have thousands upon thousand of books, but sadly things happened to them over the years. Not my choice. :-( 7y
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Rules of Magic | Alice Hoffman
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This was actually my first Alive Hoffman, and I really enjoyed this. I can't wait to read more by her.

GlassAsDiamonds Practical Magic is brilliant!!! (Not really very much like the movie but brilliant in its own right). 😊😊😊 7y
WarpedSweetness I've heard the movie is nothing like the book, so I've been leery about reading it. I love Practical Magic the movie. But now that I've read The Rules of Magic I need to read the next one. 7y
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Rules of Magic | Alice Hoffman
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Halfway through the tagged book and I really like it. I tried to take a picture, but the kitten jumped up instead. You can see part of another kitten from the same litter that I let in. Which I need to stop, too many cats aggravates the baby's allergy.

On a side note, I have a job interview tomorrow and my ex-fiancee showed back up after no communication these last few weeks. -_-

jpmcwisemorgan Yay to the job interview!!! 7y
ElishaLovesBooks Sounds busy! I hope everything works out! Cute picture!💙 7y
Jas16 Good luck with the interview and hope everything else works out the way you want it to 7y
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LazyOwl Good luck with your interview 7y
Tamra You have a lot on your plate! 7y
Cinfhen Hope interview goes well and life starts to get easier for you {{hugs}} 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Hugs! May the interview go great! 7y
LeahBergen Best of luck with the interview! 😘 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Yay, kitty! Blegh but good luck for the interview. Fiancée... may he be chased out of town by Pterodactyls if appropriate. 7y
OrangeMooseReads Good Luck on the interview! Ugh the ex reappearance, hopefully it doesn‘t turn into a situation. 7y
WarpedSweetness @jpmcwisemorgan @ElishaLovesBooks @Jas16 @LazyOwl @Tamra @Cinfhen @MommyWantsToReadHerBook @LeahBergen @GlassAsDiamonds @OrangeMooseReads Thanks, guys! I hope my interview went well. It was a group interview, which I suck at, and they never told me it would be. I have another interview on Thursday. I'm trying not to let the crap will the the ex-fiancee turn into a situation, but I'm hurt and angry and it is hard to not yell and make a scene. 7y
Tamra @WarpedSweetness 🤞🏾🤞🏾 Be strong! 💪🏾 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Hugs ❤️ 7y
OrangeMooseReads Ugh, group interviews. Good luck Thursday. 7y
Cinfhen Sending out positive vibes 💖🤞🏼🤞🏼💖 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Thinking of you! 💜💛💚💙 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness oh I loathe group interviews as well, so LAZY (and they really only favour the pushy and obnoxious anyway 😡😡😡). Hopefully you had a smart interviewer! Good luck with the idiot ex as well...it never rains but it pours doesn‘t it?? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 7y
WarpedSweetness @Tamra I'm trying! @ForeverNerdy ❤❤❤ @OrangeMooseReads I hope my interview tomorrow goes better. @Cinfhen Thank you! ❤ @MommyWantsToReadHerBook Thanks! ❤ 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I agree! Plus I don't stand out in a crowd because it makes me so anxious. It was a position for a graveyard shift, where there is almost no people interaction, why did they need to see how we stood out in a crowd?! SMH And thanks, I'm just trying to act like he is a roommate. He wants to "start over". I may have laughed in his face on accident. 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness props for just laughing in his face..!!! 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds Thanks! I just couldn't believe he had the audacity to even think that!! 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness *nods* Stunned shock has prevented many a felony.... 😉😉😉 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I haven't a had a felony yet. I'd like to keep it that way. Lol 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness #wisdom 😆😆😆😆😆 7y
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Exchange Place | Ciaran Carson
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Thanks, @MrBook for the tag. Great guideline for all the Litsy swaps happening.


kamoorephoto Yes!!👏👏👏👏👏 7y
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As Good as True | Cheryl Reid
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I was kind of meh while pursuing the books available for January on Amazon. I ended up choosing this one. It sounds really good. Now I should maybe start reading the books I download each month from Amazon.

#kindlefirst #amazonfirst #amazonprime

LauraBrook Like so many monthly things, I have yet to read a kindle first book! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sometimes I despair of myself. 7y
RebelReader I picked this one too even though I never read them. 😔 7y
WarpedSweetness @LauraBrook @RebelReader Wait guys, I lied. I read the one about the astronaut, it was a Kindle in Motion book. But that's it, one out of the many. I just cannot pass up a free book. 7y
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Another awesome exchange happening!

@inwhichHeikereadsharder #2018nonfictionbookexchange

heikemarie Woohoo! Can‘t wait!! 7y
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Milk and Honey | Rupi Kaur
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First book finished of the new year! And damn -- I've seen a lot of mixed reviews on this book, and then there is that controversy that I really haven't read about, but I liked it. Loved it even. To me it was pretty powerful. I read this as an ebook so I screenshot some of the poems. If poetry is your thing, I encourage you to pick it!

#poetrychallenge2018 #readharder2018 #onesittingbook


Natasha.C.Barnes Congrats, you're the first to finish a book in this challenge!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
CocoReads I loved it when I read it last year. I‘m not a big poetry person but this book had all the feels. I checked it out from the library but last week I bought both this and the next one at b&n 7y
WarpedSweetness @Natasha.C.Barnes Thanks! It was my one-sitting book for Read Harder, and then I realized it fit your challenge too! @CocoReads I love poetry. I kept seeing it all over and was originally on the fence about it. Then Kindle Unlimited had it so I figured I'd give it a try. (Then the ebook was gifted to me) It does have all the feels. I need to buy a physical copy now, and get her next one. 7y
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Natasha.C.Barnes I'm actually reading this for a traveling book thing in February! 7y
WarpedSweetness @Natasha.C.Barnes Oh that's awesome! I hope you'll like it! I found it really good, and really moving. 7y
mhillis I‘m going to read it this month as soon as the traveling book arrives! I‘m glad to read your positive review!! 7y
WarpedSweetness @mhillis I really loved it! I definitely recommend it! I forward to your thoughts on it. 7y
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Scavenger Hunt | Robert Ferrigno
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1) @AmandaL
2) @ForeverNerdy (well she was reading it. That counts right?)
3) @Jaberwocky

#LitsyScavengerHunt @Chelleo

[DELETED] 3803335244 Totally counts! With 5 kiddos I‘m always reading a children‘s book 😂 Great job on the hunt, how fun 🤓 7y
AmandaL 🙌 7y
Chelleo 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
54 likes3 comments
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1) I don't keep up with new releases.
2) Deadpool 2, Black Panther, Ready Player One, A Wrinkle in Time, Alita: Battle Angel, Jurassic World, Incredibles 2, The New Mutants, Ocean's 8, The Nun, The Purge: The Island
3) Neither
4) It isn't a deal breaker, but this time around they better be okay with the fact that I am a reader.
5) 👍👍👍

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

(I should keep up with new books like I do with new movies. Lol)

BeckyK Dead pool 2 and Oceans 8 🙌🏻 7y
WarpedSweetness @Beckykearns I know! So many good movies coming out in 2018. 7y
BeckyK @WarpedSweetness I feel like I‘ve been waiting for some of them for so long they‘re starting to sneak up on me! 😁 7y
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PacingTheCage I don't keep up with new releases either. I like getting surprised! 😃 7y
WarpedSweetness @Beckykearns I'm feeling the same way! @dltpacngthecage Exactly! Lol 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Oohh... Deadpool 2! 7y
UwannaPublishme Jurassic World 🙌🏻 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I know! I'm so excited. Ryan Reynolds is perfect as Deadpool. @UwannaPublishme I was pretty impressed with the first one, so I'm really looking forward to the second. I grew up on the original movies. 7y
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#travellingaudiobook by @Heideschrampf

Visit her page for the sign up link! She also has a link set up to vote for which audiobook. :-)

Heideschrampf ❤️ 7y
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Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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@JenlovesJT47 is on a roll with her #swap !! Visit here page for the link!

#potterheadswap #harrypotter

JenlovesJT47 Thank you for posting!! 🤗💚 7y
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I lost my spot. Every time I sit down she tries to crawl on me for loving. Meanwhile her ginger baby is hiding under my son's bed because apparently he doesn't like his mom. Lol

I guess I can start on tagged book until she moves.

JanuarieTimewalker13 Postpartum depression? I wonder if feline moms suffer too? 7y
WarpedSweetness @JanuarieTimewalker13 I don't know if they do..I've never thought about it for, in an animal I mean. 7y
Texreader What a beauty! 💜💜💜 7y
WarpedSweetness @Texreader I know!! And she is really laid back and nice. 7y
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Cats on Instagram | @Cats_of_instagram
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No excuse me stray cat I keep letting into the house, I'm not trying to write out the comics I want to read for #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon

Not even your ginger baby does this to me.

(P.S. The baby named this cat Momma Cat.)

Texreader ❤️❤️❤️ I want to hug her!! 7y
WarpedSweetness @Texreader She is a great cat! And had been super affectionate. When I was sitting at the table she crawled right on me. 7y
Texreader @WarpedSweetness Please do hug her for me! She‘s just precious. 7y
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MelAnn We have a stray just like her! And she adopted us. We have a cat and we haven‘t let this one in - but she does shelter in our garage (she had kittens last spring in there) and we feed her. She used to hiss at us but now she purrs and wants us to pet her. We call her Mama. 7y
WarpedSweetness @MelAnn I'm nearly positive this cat used to be my upstairs neighbors. She has always been very affectionate and great with the baby. I originally had three of the kittens that Momma Cat had, but discovered my son has a pretty bad allergy. :-( I'm glad your stray cat lets you pet her! Are the kittens still around? 7y
MelAnn No, two kittens disappeared completely and one got away from us before we could get him to trust us enough to capture him and domesticate him - he still comes around. We call him Ninja 7y
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The awesome @JenlovesJT47 has a swap going for those who love #funkopops !! Head over to her page for the sign up link.

#funkopopswap #swap

JenlovesJT47 Thank you for posting!! 🤗💚 7y
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The Illustrated Man | Ray Bradbury
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1) This is currently all I have up. They'll come down soon to be packed.
2) Read Harder, Reading Women, and Popsugar challenges. And the #poetrychallenge here on Litsy.
3) Glasses
4) Oceans and starry night skies
5) I have a lot of books planned for 2018 so picking one I'm most excited for is hard. I'm excited to finally read the tagged book.

#humpdaypost @MinDea

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The baby and I had a good day today. Ran some errands, stopped at the library and he picked out some books. We went to the thrift store where I found the tagged book, and somehow those others just jumped in there. The thrift store apparently gives out free books to kids also! So Rurik picked The Perfect Pet.

Also my oldest daughter has started to receive her postcards. She has been so excited. So thank you to everyone who sent her postcards!

Lacythebookworm Sounds like a great day! 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I set my Goodreads challenge for 2018. The 2yr old and I are spending New Year's at home. I'm going to eat this donut then my pizza, finish filling out the books for my three reading challenges. And then read something on my tablet. I haven't decided what yet.

I don't make New Year resolutions, but for my new year I'm purging myself of all reminders of my ex-fiancee, and I am moving back to PA.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Godmotherx5 Best wishes on your new start. Sending positive vibes. 7y
WarpedSweetness @Godmotherx5 Thank you. I can use all the positive vibes I can get. 7y
MiyakoBunny Many Blessings & Good wishes your way 🙏🏼❤️🎉 7y
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TricksyTails Happy New Year! 🎆🎊💖📚 7y
Jas16 Happy New Year 🎉🍾 7y
JessClark78 Happy New Year! 7y
AmandaL Happy New Year! 🎊 7y
jbhops Sounds like some plans are in motion. I hope Pennsylvania brings family close by. 7y
Redwritinghood Happy New Year! 7y
DarcysMom Happy New Year! 7y
WarpedSweetness @jbhops PA is where I lived before moving to Idaho. It will bring me back to my two older girls, who elected to stay in PA. I've missed them terribly. 7y
LeahBergen Happy New Year! 😘😘 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Happy new year and here's ron 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Oops... And here's to new beginnings. (my fat thumbs hit send early up above). 😐 7y
WarpedSweetness @LeahBergen Happy New Year! @GrilledCheeseSamurai What Ron are you giving me? Lol I only know one Ron. Happy New Year! (I know all about fat thumbs. I've got two of my own!) 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @WarpedSweetness 🤣🤣 yeah. Dunno what that Ron was all about. 😂 7y
Bookzombie Happy New Year!!! 🎆🎉⭐️ 7y
Andrew65 Sending you best wishes and best thoughts in 2018, good luck with the move. 😊 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Ooohhh! PA! I lived there for a while & miss the snow terribly! What challenges did you decide on? 😊 7y
WarpedSweetness @GrilledCheeseSamurai lol I at least I actually smiled. @Bookzombie Happy New Year!! @Andrew65 Thank you! And same to you! 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I do not miss the snow. I hate snow. Lol I'm doing the Popsugar, Read Harder, and Reading Women. I'll probably finish Read Harder and Reading Women though. I'm a little eh about the Popsugar one. 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness move to Mumbai for a year (Seasons: hot and dry, hotter and humid, hot and wet, hot and drying).... I promise you‘ll love snow again!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊 & now I need to look all these up! I‘ve got as far as a buddy read and MountTBR (I will have more books I‘ve read than not on my shelves by years end, I will!!!) 😊😊😊 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I would take that over the snow I think. Lol I used to live in Florida and Georgia, that's kind of similar weather to Mumbai. Did you live there? Was it fascinating? Yes look them up! The Read Harder and Reading Women are looking to be my favourite challenges. I'm doing a couple of buddy reads also. I'm trying to get my TBR down this year also. 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Still do (live in Mumbai - Aussie expat, probably here for another 2years?)... it‘s ah... I‘ve decided my line is that it‘s a fantastic place to travel, amazingly different, the people are warm, the art and history is breathtaking but it‘s a really really really hard place to live in sometimes. Last year was hard, I‘m hoping this year is easier. Still need to look up these challenges! 😊😊 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I've read a little bit about Mumbai, from what I read it seems like a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Let's hope that this year is easier on you! 7y
GlassAsDiamonds @WarpedSweetness thanks! I hope your move goes well as well, I‘m so deep in clean, cold snow envy!! 😊😊😊❤️❤️😊😊😊 7y
WarpedSweetness @GlassAsDiamonds I hope so too! I'm not really forward to another drive across the country, especially by myself with just the baby. I can imagine! You need to make your own snow! Lol 7y
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Saw this on my FB feed.

kamoorephoto I miss him so. 7y
Bklover Boy do I miss that man! 7y
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Going through my phone's gallery, ruthlessly deleting any pictures of my ex-fiancee that I don't need and found this gem that I saved from FB. Thought y'all would get a kick out of it. :-)

Under the watermark is the website for them: www.bartenerds.com

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Cupid's Secret | Buck Kalinowski, Kim Miller
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@MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders are hosting #CupidGoesPostal #ValentinesBookExchange

Visit their pages for more information and the link!!

And it really sucks that PR is still in recovery efforts. I'm so sorry @BookishMarginalia

Avanders Thanks for reposting!!💖 7y
WarpedSweetness @Avanders You're welcome! I always try to share these things as much as I can. 7y
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1) All of them? I can't pick just one. Potstickers from Applebee's were great.
2) Books are pictured.
3) Read Harder, Popsugar, and Reading Women challenges -- trying to make a big dent in my TBR
4) Reshape my life -- NaNoWriMo -- thinking about moving back to PA
5) ❤❤❤❤

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

UwannaPublishme Potstickers! 👍🏻 7y
WarpedSweetness @UwannaPublishme They're so good! I get them everywhere I can now. 7y
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I did the PowerPuff one. I use to love this show! I look so cute, and according to the quiz I took I am a Monster Clobberer. Maybe I'll try to emulate that in real life.

Cinfhen 💚 7y
TricksyTails 🙌 😂 Love that you're a Monster Clobberer! 7y
Mimi28 I love the Power Puff Girls too!! 7y
See All 7 Comments
Avanders I also loved the pp girls! I have 2 sisters so we, ya know, inappropriately related 😆 (as in, there was no real comparison, not as in we were inappropriate about it! 🤭) (edited) 7y
WarpedSweetness @TricksyTails I liked the result too! I'm gunna use it next year to tackle all of my issues. @Mimi28 They're awesome! I miss watching them. @Avanders lmfao Either way works. I never had sisters, but I always identified with Buttercup. @Cinfhen 7y
Avanders @WarpedSweetness me too!! I have a buttercup ornament on my bookshelves still... 😁 7y
WarpedSweetness @Avanders That's awesome! I need a Buttercup ornament. 7y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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It was so nice to revisit these books. I finished this today (and started it today.) Still just as good when I first read it years and years ago. I need my own copies again.

I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping and my anxiety is through the roof. So I'm trying to do everything I can to take my mind off of things. Reading is helping, but now it is finished and everything I have is for next year.

DivaDiane I‘m sorry you‘re feeling anxious! Have you tried SerialReader? Also there‘s a ton of fiction online for free if you can stand reading it from your computer or tablet or even your phone! 7y
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I'm so excited for this! I already have my comics planned out (the tagged book being one of them). And there is a a photo challenge too! I may or may not participate in that, but we will see.

#LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #PhotoChallenge #giveaway

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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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1) Reshape my life
2) Not sure yet - maybe Milk and Honey
3) Read only from TBR list and make a huge dent in that list.
4) No swaps, but I am doing the Read Harder, Popsugar, and Reading Women challenge for 2018
5) A blanket usually, sometimes hot tea.
6) Consider this an open tag for anyone who wants to do.
@Wbabdullah #2018Goals

Wbabdullah A lot of us like our blankets and tea!! Amazing!!! I‘m also planning on reading Milk and Honey, but later on in the year. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I hope 2018 is a great year for you ❤️❤️ 7y
WarpedSweetness @ForeverNerdy So do I. @Wbabdullah I was just gifted an e-book copy of Milk and Honey, so I want to read it as soon as possible so it isn't just sitting. Lol I have a tendency to do that with my books. 7y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I finished the first and second book last night/early this morning. Now that I have all my important real life things taken care if, I'm starting in the third book. I didn't get to use my bookmark from the last book so I'm using it for this.

I'm trying to keep my mind as busy and occupied as I can so I don't think. I think it is working, but I feel exhausted.

cobwebmoth When you have a spare minute could you email me, please? It's cobwebmoth at gmail. Thank you!🙂 7y
WarpedSweetness @cobwebmoth Sure! But if I'm in trouble, I didn't do it! 7y
cobwebmoth @WarpedSweetness No trouble!😄 7y
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rubyslippersreads ❤️❤️❤️ Emily! 7y
LeahBergen I second what @rubyslippersreads said! 7y
WarpedSweetness @rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen I know! It was so nice to revisit Emily again. Next year I'm revisiting Anne Shirley. 7y
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Emily of New Moon | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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First book of the series. I read them when I was much younger and used to reread them constantly. I don't love Emily as much as I love Anne Shirley, but she is still a good character.

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Emily Climbs | L M Montgomery
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I finished this book in the span of a few hours, never even had a chance to use my pretty tribal bookmark in it.

Emily is my favourite Montgomery character after Anne Shirley. I hate the way the Murray's treat Emily though. :-(

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Batman: Harley Quinn | Paul Dini, Neil Googe
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Picture on the right is my phone screen and picture on the left is my tablet screen. My tablet screen might be a little more bookish than my phone screen.

#bookishscreens @Chelleo

SilversReviews Love the tablet screen. 7y
Chelleo Love them both. Just saw that phrase about coffee. 7y
WarpedSweetness @SilversReviews Thank you! I found it on Pinterest! @Chelleo Thanks! I've seen that phrase about coffee before also, but I'm not a coffee drinker so I kept passing it over. 7y
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SilversReviews @WarpedSweetness Are Pinterest photos free to share and use? (edited) 7y
WarpedSweetness @SilversReviews I don't know about all photos on Pinterest; I typically get my background pictures elsewhere. 7y
WarpedSweetness @SilversReviews You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. 7y
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Emily Climbs | L M Montgomery
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I'm trying to keep my mind off of everything that happened on Christmas Day. So of course the answer to that is to drown myself in books now that I've got all the crying out. I finished the first Emily book and now I'm starting in the second.

I've logged out of FB, but I can't seem to stay away from Litsy. Too much feel-good here. This is my happy place.

MommyWantsToReadHerBook Thinking of you! 7y
WarpedSweetness @MommyWantsToReadHerBook Thank you. That means a lot. 7y
Cinfhen Here's hoping for a better 2018 ~ sending good vibes your way 💕💕💕 7y
See All 24 Comments
WarpedSweetness @Cinfhen Thank you. I could use some good vibes. I've made up my mind that 2018 will be better, just need to figure out howm 7y
Andrew65 @WarpedSweetness Plenty of time for that. Your current plan of reading and Litsy is a good one whilst you allow yourself time. Sending best thoughts. 😊 7y
Ranchan Virtual hug! 💖 7y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez The Emily trilogy was one of my favorites growing up ❤️ 7y
Cailey_Mac 💕💕💕 7y
Betty Wrap yourself up in a cozy quilt and let the Littens spoil you with words 7y
Librarybelle I haven‘t read Emily in years! I‘m re-reading Anne of Green Gables next year. 7y
ElishaLovesBooks Positive thoughts and happy reading 📚💕 7y
Jas16 ❤️ 7y
WarpedSweetness @Andrew65 Thank you. I'm trying not to think about it really, at least until I see my therapist. @oOArankaOo Virtual hug back ❤❤ @JessClark78 ❤❤ @TheAnitaAlvarez Same here! I used to own them at one time. @Cailey_Mac ❤❤❤ @Betty That's why I can't stay away from Litsy. Everyone is so supportive and kind. @Librarybelle I'm planning on rereading Anne next year also! 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @WarpedSweetness oh, I wish I owned copies myself, but I used to take them from my school‘s library, over and over again 7y
WarpedSweetness @TheAnitaAlvarez I picked up a whole bunch of first edition L. M. Montgomery books at a flea market when I was like twelve. I loved those books. I hated going to my school's library. The librarian wasn't friendly and hated children. Can you imagine? 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @WarpedSweetness I honestly can‘t imagine. Why be a school librarian if you hate children? The ones in my school were lovely and always ready to make recommendations, which was awesome 7y
WarpedSweetness @TheAnitaAlvarez It was the high school librarian. I used to imagine she was a witch, like in that one movie where the witches turned the kids into mice. I preferred going to my local libraries. The librarians there were all so awesome and nice. 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @WarpedSweetness we only had one library (schools in Chile are usually one for grades K-12). My town‘s library was rather sad, to be honest, so I didn‘t go often. 7y
WarpedSweetness My public library system when I lived in Pennsylvania was awesome. Where I live now the library is kind of sad too. 7y
WarpedSweetness @TheAnitaAlvarez ^^^ Also, I knew that about Chile! I didn't know you lived there. I used to have a penpal online friend who lived there. 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @WarpedSweetness awww, that‘s so cool! I‘ve just returned from a year living in Scotland, so until like a month ago I was still there 7y
WarpedSweetness @TheAnitaAlvarez That's so cool! It must have been so awesome living in Scotland. 7y
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Untitled | Unknown

Thanks to everyone who sent my daughter postcards for her school project. She hasn't received them yet, but she is really excited and says thank you.

I just wanted to let everyone know I'm not going to be around for a while. My fiancee left me today and I have no idea what to do now. No need to apologize or anything; I just needed to say it somewhere, and y'all are really the only friends I have. I just need to deal with this.

WarpedSweetness I can't be around for a while, but I wanted everyone to know I appreciated the postcards. 7y
mrsmarch Hey you just remember, we‘re always your safe place. Litsy is here for you! Pocket friends are still real friends. You do what you need to for you and your daughter but check in occasionally so we know you‘re doin ok. 7y
Jas16 I am so so sorry. Sent you so lots of love. 7y
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CouronneDhiver Take all the space you need... and please come back to us as soon as you‘re ready. ❤️ 7y
jhod Sending hugs 💛❤❤ 7y
jbhops No words right now for you other than I hope you find peace. 7y
Andrew65 Stay strong! Sending positive thoughts and remember we are all here for you at anytime. 7y
Bloomingjen I am sorry to hear this. Please at least check in with us so we know you are doing okay. We are here for you. Hang in there. 7y
BookwormAHN I'm so sorry, sending hugs 💚 7y
Avanders So so sorry 😢💖💖💖 7y
Notafraidofwords Sending hugs 💛 7y
MCYmermaid Sending hugs. 7y
goodbyefrancie So sorry. Sending you hugs! 7y
rubyslippersreads Sending ❤️❤️❤️. 7y
teebe So sorry, take care 💜💜 7y
Sehdcce Sending comfort and peace your way.💓💓💓 7y
EllieDottie I‘m so sorry! Sending hugs and love! (edited) 7y
LauraBrook How crap. Take care, and we‘re here whenever you‘re ready and you need us. I‘m sorry. 7y
SassyBookworm Oh goodness! Love & hugs sent your way! ❤️❤️ 7y
ElishaLovesBooks So sorry. Sending hugs.💜Sometimes life just really sucks 😢😰 7y
Librarybelle I‘m so sorry! Take care...sending hugs! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Wow. That's shit. I'm just getting to know you and my heart goes out to ya! Sending all my positivity your way! *virtual hugs* 7y
MiyakoBunny Wishing you the best & strength in this hardship 💓 7y
Seekingtardis Mind hugs and love straight to you!!! 7y
TheWordJar Hugs! 💕💕 Do what you need to do for yourself...even if that means not doing anything right now. Take care and keep us updated! 7y
AmyG Thinking of you and sending a hug. 7y
cobwebmoth Huge hugs to you! 7y
Blueberry $#^* jerk. Hugs for you. ♡♡ 7y
AmandaL ❤️ 7y
Bookish.Heart We‘re all here for you. ❤️Lots of hugs❤️ 7y
Marmie7 So sorry my friend! (((Hugs))) 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Thinking of you. We‘re hear when you need a listening ear. 📚😘📚😘 7y
laundry_piles Sending you big hugs ❤ 7y
megt Sending hugs 💕 7y
MayginReads Thinking of you and yours. 💜 7y
ReadingSusan So sorry. Sending hugs and lots of positive thoughts. We are here when you need us ❤️❤️ 7y
Eyelit Take good care. We‘re here when you need us. 💜💜💜💜💜 7y
LazyOwl Sending hugs your way. My sister is in the same boat & such a difficult time of year too. Keep in touch, we're always here if you need a kind word 😚 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook 💜💜💜 Love and light! 7y
Texreader Hugs!!!!! 💙💙💙 7y
Bookzombie I‘m so sorry. Hugs and positive thoughts headed your way. ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen Aww, that sucks. Big hugs to you. 😘😘 7y
Kalalalatja Sending all the thoughts and hugs ❤️❤️ 7y
julesG Big hugs! 7y
Redwritinghood So sorry! 💕💕 7y
PirateJenny I'm so sorry. ❤❤❤ 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 My heart hurts for you sweet person. Sending hugs & love. I pray things work out, get better, and you feel better. I know words can‘t help right now but I do care & if you have close family around you or within calling distance pour your heart out. It will help. Or wrap yourself up in your son. I always feel good when I hug my kids. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 7y
MatchlessMarie Hugs your way!! Just sent my card today from TX. Hope things turn around for you soon. 🧡🧡🧡 7y
WarpedSweetness Whew, so many people to tag. Than y'all so much for all the kind words and encouragement and love. I really appreciate it, more than y'all could ever imagine. 7y
ReadingSusan 💕💕💕 7y
Smrloomis 💜💜💜 7y
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Holidays | North Light Books
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What a wonderful idea!

#JoinIn @4thhouseontheleft

Feeding Time | Adam Biles
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One more week left for this awesome #FeedAReader swap by the awesome @TricksyTails and @MinDea

According to the post I stole this from, they've changed it so there is now a one time swap option available.

TricksyTails Thank you for sharing! 😘 7y
WarpedSweetness @TricksyTails You're welcome! I always love to share everyone's swaps and readalongs and things like that. :-) 7y
MinDea Thank you for sharing!!! 7y
WarpedSweetness @MinDea Your welcome! Anytime! 7y
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Emily of New Moon | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I'm still reading this book, mostly because I'm taking it slow for December. I finally swapped out the diaper I was using for this awesome Hermione Granger bookmark from @Clwojick (it was a clean, unused diaper don't worry).

Look at this awesome mug I got from @the-flashley ! When I made hot tea the mug changed.

the-flashley Yay! I‘m glad you like it! 😊😊😊 7y
Robothugs Love the mug! 7y
WarpedSweetness @the-flashley I love it! Batman is a favourite of mine. My fiancee tried to use this mug and he may have gotten yelled at. Lol @Robothugs Thanks! 7y
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Clwojick I am jealous of this mug!i also feel like @TricksyTails and @GrilledCheeseSamurai are also jealous of this mug! 😱😱😱😱 7y
Clwojick And @xicanti she is also probably envious 😍 7y
TricksyTails @Clwojick I want! I want! I want! Where @the-flashley ?? Where??😍😍😍 7y
Marmie7 Very cool mug and bookmark! 7y
WarpedSweetness @Clwojick It is a great mug! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Clwojick Oh, Yes! Hit the nail on the head! I'd proudly drink from that one! 😍 7y
xicanti 😍 for sure. 7y
the-flashley @WarpedSweetness hahaha well he should have known better! Everyone knows you don‘t steal another person‘s mug! 😂😉 @TricksyTails it actually came in a Loot Crate! I‘m not a huge fan of Batman myself (plus I already have like a thousand mugs), so I figured I would pass it along to someone who would appreciate it more than myself! 😊 7y
the-flashley @TricksyTails I just checked and they don‘t have them for sale on the Loot Crate website, but there are some on eBay and Amazon! 😁 7y
WarpedSweetness @the-flashley I may be a little stingy with my mugs; I don't wanna share. Lol 7y
TricksyTails @the-flashley Thank you so much! Off to Amazon! 7y
77 likes15 comments
The Blood of Emmett Till | Timothy B. Tyson
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#2018reads (in no particular order)

1) Ready Player One
2) The Blood of Emmett Till
3) The New Jim Crowe
4) Born A Crime
5) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
6) Milk and Honey
7) The Revolution of Marina M. By Janet Fitch
8) There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyonce


CharissaWeaksAuthor What a great list!! Thanks for sharing!! 7y
WarpedSweetness @CharissaWeaksAuthor Thanks! You're welcome! I couldn't pick just five. Lol 7y
RebelReader @WarpedSweetness I want to read Born A Crime too. Henrietta Lacks is really good too. I didn't want to read it, but one of my book groups picked it and I'm so glad I read it! 7y
See All 6 Comments
EchoLogical This list is amazing. I've read Born A Crime, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and The New Jim Crow and they're probably on the list of my favorite nonfiction reads. 7y
WarpedSweetness @RebelReader I've had them both of my TBR list for a while. Good to know you like Henrietta Lacks. I'm really excited to them read. 7y
WarpedSweetness @EchoLogical Thanks! I meant to The New Jim Crowe this year, but never got a chance too. 7y
68 likes6 comments
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1) Sugar cookie or Italian cookies or Oeros
2) prefer hosting -- having to travel and interact with people I don't know makes me anxious.
3) A little over 200 -- I'm taking a break from reading until next month.
4) Home Alone
5) A new vehicle.

#friYAYintro @jesshowbooks

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My Jeep finally shit the bed. It is no longer worth it to keep fixing. So for right now I got a beater car to hold me over.

Also went to the library. I limited myself to one book, which I picked up in anticipation of #BooktoScreen for January. The rest of that is Rurik's (my two year okd.) He actually let me read all of those books to him!

@Clwojick @LeahBergen #bookmarkswap items will be on their way next week! So sorry for the delay.

WarpedSweetness I ordered things from Etsy weeks ago and they never arrived. I gave up and have purchased other items today. I'm so sorry. 7y
MrBook Sorry to hear that. #NiceStack though! 7y
WarpedSweetness @MrBook Thank you! I was so excited when he actually was interested in books. Lol 7y
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[DELETED] 3803335244 Sorry to hear that about your car. ❤️❤️❤️ Nice stack, my kids love scooby doo! 7y
WarpedSweetness @ForeverNerdy Thank you! I was expecting it to happen sooner or later; I was just hoping it'd last a little longer. Scooby-Doo is awesome! I even like him. 7y
LeahBergen No worries. 😘 7y
WarpedSweetness @LeahBergen I feel bad that it is taking so long. I have no had good luck with deliveries. 7y
MinDea Yay!!!! I am so excited to read this book and so glad you are joining!!! 7y
WarpedSweetness @MinDea I wasn't originally going to join in for January, but when I saw it at the library I knew it was the Fates intervening and they wanted me to! 7y
62 likes9 comments
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@Natasha.C.Barnes is doing a #poetrychallenge for 2018 if anyone is interested in joining her. :-)

Natasha.C.Barnes 😘 you're so sweet for sharing! You never know who out there might be in the mood for a little poetry... 7y
WarpedSweetness @Natasha.C.Barnes Aww thanks! :-) I try to share as much as I can. 7y
Cathythoughts Sounds interesting ✨ (edited) 7y
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