It‘s sad a case of domestic violence got swept up into a media circus and changed to racism. Even sadder, we have the Kardashian‘s now. Even saddededer, two people were still violently murdered. Money can buy you anything.
It‘s sad a case of domestic violence got swept up into a media circus and changed to racism. Even sadder, we have the Kardashian‘s now. Even saddededer, two people were still violently murdered. Money can buy you anything.
Working on my #litsyreadingchallenge2017 list. Some picks are also on my #LitsyAtoZ list; some match more than one square on my board.
Getting excited now! 😊📚
From Darden's description of LA's Main Street as he's driving downtown: "Next is the University of Southern California, where O. J. Simpson carved up opposing teams." Carved up? Interesting choice of words here. Intentional? I'd like to think so - Darden seems to have a wicked sense of humor!