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Fantasy of Dr Ox
Fantasy of Dr Ox | Jules Verne
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In the somnolent Flemish town of Quiquendone disagreements are unheard of, courtships might last a decade and not a ripple of activity can be seen at all. But when the mysterious Dr Ox is tasked with providing lighting for the town, strange things begin to happen: animals become aggressive, fruits grow huge in size, plants climb more vigorously and tempers flare up, leading the once phlegmatic townsfolk to bitter confrontations and pushing them to the brink of all-out violence.Verne, the acclaimed author of immortal tales of adventure and early science fiction, can be seen here in a different light, regaling readers of all ages with a light-hearted satire that, in its warnings about the dangers of scientific experimentation, has a clear and troubling resonance with our times.
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Fantasy of Dr Ox | Jules Verne
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I read this between Oct 1 & 6 and rated it 3 ⭐️. It‘s my first time reading Verne and maybe not the best one to start with it. It is rather slow paced and a but boring. It quickly becomes apparent to the reader what is happening but Verne takes too long to come to the conclusion.

Dr. Ox's experiment | Jules Verne
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My parents' neighbors gave @BookBabe and me some books to help us grow our home's library collection. These three were included, ranging from 1876 to 1893. In addition to the tagged book, the other two are Longfellow's "Hyperion" and Martha Finley's "Elsie Dinsmore". Such fantastic additions ???????!!! #ThanksgivingVacation

merelybookish The flowers on the spines are beautiful! 7y
Godmotherx5 😲 7y
tournevis I have Dr. Ox ( a recent French edition) 7y
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MiyakoBunny 😍😍😍 7y
Lcsmcat Wow! 7y
kspenmoll What a gift! ❤️ 7y
TricksyTails 😍📚 7y
GypsyKat I love antique books! I have a small collection myself! 😊💗 7y
scripturient Oooooooh! 😍😍 7y
Sarah83 Love these ones 😍 7y
alisahar I love a vintage book but Elsie Dinsmore is more than a little disturbing content-wise. 😣 7y
Avanders Sooo cool!! 7y
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