A memoir about coming of age and coming out.
#EasterOMC #AwesomeApril @LadyKatrina @Clwojick @Andrew65
A memoir about coming of age and coming out.
#EasterOMC #AwesomeApril @LadyKatrina @Clwojick @Andrew65
Both feature lesbians and also deal with coming to terms with your sexuality #thingsincommon
Ellie walks readers through her slow process of self-discovery in finding her sexuality. I felt a bit mixed in this book, but overall it was a fun read. I loved reading about her love of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Overall, the book felt a little insubstantial because every page was a single pannel and many of the pannels didn't offer very much. It might have been nice to see multiple pannels per page instead. #Comic #LGBTQ #GraphicMemoir
Breaking the 4th wall here: autobiographies are hard because it means looking back and trying to figure stuff out — I know who I am now but who was I then? And queer memoir is particularly hard!
This book started out as a series of comics for a zine that were then collected into a graphic novel. I think it's a great example of how not all coming out experiences are the same. A good book to add to any adult or teen graphic novel display.
An interesting graphic novel, glad I read it, read as part of the #Buzzwordathon - The prompt/word for March is Time. 5/5
I saw this Queer Graphic Novels Bingo over on Instagram and thought I‘d give it a go. Many of these have been on my TBR for way too long and I could use a challenge to dive back into more graphic novels.
I have read Pumpkin Heads (adorable) and recently finished The Times I Knew I was Gay which I thought was great!
A lovely GN memoir from a young queer artist/writer.
But it didn't half make me feel old!
(The silly sticker is to cover up my nail)