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The Explosive Child
The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children | Ross W. Greene, PhD
Screaming, swearing, crying, hitting, kicking, spitting, biting...these are some of the challenging behaviors we see in kids who are having difficulty meeting our expectations. These behaviors often leave parents feeling frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, and desperate for answers. In this fully revised and updated book, Dr. Ross Greene helps you understand why and when your child does these things and how to respond in ways that are nonpunitive, nonadversarial, humane, and effective. Dr. Greene describes how best to: Understand the factors that contribute to challenging episodes. Identify the specific situations in which challenging episodes are likely to occur. Reduce or eliminate challenging episodes by solving the problems that cause them. Solve problems collaboratively (rather than unilaterally) and proactively (rather than reactively). Help your child develop the skills to be more flexible, solve problems, and handle frustration more adaptively. Reduce hostility and antagonism between you and your child. With Dr. Greene's practical, expert guidance, you and your child will forge a new relationship based on communication and mutual respect.
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It‘s got a lot of decent advice but a much higher reading level than I‘d expect of most parents and also was clearly written in America and in the 90s and never updated for the school portions

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The classroom I‘m working in uses this as their guidebook so I figured I‘d give it a reread

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Fate intervened last night, apparently. After I posted my plea for help & advice (which is still more than welcome - because I cannot, CANNOT, keep doing this), I was browsing the “family & relationships” section of my local library‘s OverDrive page & found this book. It said there was a waitlist, but I figured I would put it on hold. Got this email this morning, about 8 hours later, saying it was available.🙌🏼 #library #libraryholds #fate

Reecaspieces Good luck! My son was never abusive but he would throw fits. And I mean loud fits. There was a book called backtalk that helped me. Your situation is very different since you are a step mom. I hope you find your answer! 6y
MolliesaurusRex @Reecaspieces thank you!! This sounds like it‘ll help with 5. She‘s the one who talks back all the time & pulls the “you‘re not my mom I don‘t have to listen to you” nonsense. She‘s gotten better since her sister‘s fits have increased, but I know that‘s mostly because she sees what her sister‘s doing. 😞 6y
Chrissyreadit This is a great book with some simple tools that work more often than not. 6y
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MolliesaurusRex @Chrissyreadit I saw that one & wasn‘t sure how it was, but I‘ll be sure to check it out!!! 6y
Chrissyreadit Just checking- do you have my email? Chrissyreadit @ Gmail .com 6y
MolliesaurusRex @Chrissyreadit I don‘t think so but now I do! I just got out of work (& now I‘m on the side of the road because someone rear ended me - in my boyfriend‘s car🙄) but I will definitely email you when I get home! Thank you thank you thank you!❤️ 6y
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A must read for anyone who interacts with children ever.

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Well, I think I found the description of my daughter. I'm hopeful this book holds the keys to helping us both. 🤞

Anna40 Hope you find a way. Reading about, trying out different "strategies" and trusting my instincts has helped me so far. Keep trying! 7y
jessamyngrace @Anna40 Always trying, rarely "successful," haha. Whatever that means. Nothing works for long with her, which is part of why I'm reading this book. We've already spent 7 years scratching our heads. I don't want to go the rest of my life like this. I want to have a better relationship with her. Motherhood is challenging. ? 7y
Anna40 Yes! It is! Hang in there! I'm sure you'll find a way! 7y
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"...it's clear that it's not just explosive kids who need help identifying their concerns; taking another person's concerns into account; expressing frustration in an adaptive manner; generating and considering alternative solutions to problems; working toward mutually satisfactory solutions; resolving disputes and disagreements without conflict." Hm. I know some adults who are the same way...


When you read a book that explains your kid better than anything else, it's automatically a pick. But this book has more going for it. Tone was friendly and encouraging as well as firm and clear. Much needed explanations helped with grounding, orienting, & moving forward. Excited for the future (and really proud of where my kid's at now!) after reading this.

jessamyngrace I've had this on my list to read for a long time. I should do it soon. 8y
Meglet @jessamyngrace you should! I think it was on my list because of you. 8y
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I just finished reading this book so now I'm an excellent parent. AMA

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