I was up till 3 finishing both of these last night. Which means I didn‘t get to sleep until 5:30. Ugh. I‘ll review them once I‘m better rested today
I was up till 3 finishing both of these last night. Which means I didn‘t get to sleep until 5:30. Ugh. I‘ll review them once I‘m better rested today
This is next up for my insomnia reads, another $0 Kindle book on Amazon.
So one night, during my regular insomnia, I realized I‘d run out of Kindle books—which are my books of choice in the dark. I found these on Amazon for FREE! They are all first books in series but that‘s ok. If I like them, then I will have found a new series to read. Anyway, looking forward to checking them out.
I really should be doing more of my actual challenge list, but my sister says this is great, so a bit of a break should be fine
I have a soft spot for English country house mysteries, and these classics by Clara Benson are worth a look. Benson never published during her lifetime but her family discovered her stories after her death in 1965. Set in the 1920s, the stories feature amateur detective Angela Marchmont, an American visiting friends in England. Mrs. Marchmont is, of course, much more than she appears. Definitely written "of the time."
Clara Benson, born in 1890, never published during her lifetime, but considered writing a hobby. Her family discovered her stories years after her death and decided to publish. Benson‘s mysteries, set in the 1920s, feature amateur detective Angela Marchmont. Mrs. Marchmont is much more than she appears, having served as a spy in The Great War, and possessing a quick wit and well-developed intellect. Derivative and definitely of the time, but fun.