A little bit of this, a little bit of that in today‘s #bookhaul.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that in today‘s #bookhaul.
We Only Find Them When They're Dead is really innovative sci-fi. It has Jack Kirby flair with super sleek, edgy art by Simone di Meo. I almost don't want to say anything about it so as not to spoil what's happening.
This first issue came out last Wednesday...just got around to reading it now and...🤩
Yes please!
Fantastic first issue! The art is incredible and the colors freaking pop all over the place in this one.
Its a scifi story about a ship and crew that harvest giant (think Marvels Celestials size) corpses of dead gods in outer space.
I mean...Okay. Color me intrigued!
Really enjoyed this first issue & I'm excited now to see where it goes. 🤗