Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh 😩 why is book 2 taking so loooooonnngggggggg????????????? I need mooooooooooore!
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh 😩 why is book 2 taking so loooooonnngggggggg????????????? I need mooooooooooore!
Solid YA Fantasy. Chosen ones trope, some romance, some trauma and a whole lot of swearing. Good to read a book with a LGBTQ+ POV.
I enjoyed this read (Rainbowcrate included a silverware set for this book, & a silverware set is an actual character!). I love the chosen ones trope, & it was fun seeing everything start off with a theif forced to break into an ancient ruin. There's some unaddressed ableism in here, which I was hoping to see more discussion about. I don't think I enjoyed the audiobook as much as I would have enjoyed reading this one myself. #LGBTQ #Fantasy
Been working on this one for awhile. I liked it but I felt I didn‘t retain any information from it. Might be one I revisit later on. I liked the characters so that really is what kept me reading! #bookspinbingo
4 ⭐️
This is a solid YA fantasy with interesting characters, a diverse cast ( LGBT and disability rep), and an intriguing magic system. It also features a lot of wearing. And I mean A LOT of swearing. There is so much swearing I am shocked that it was even able to be published as a YA. If the authors are planning a sequel I would definitely pick it up.
Today‘s TBR book is a Fairyloot book I have yet to get to. It doesn‘t call to me right now but who knows right? I do like the shiny cover!
#marchinghetitle21 #numberinthetitle
Ever have a book put you in a slump?
I heard some good things about this one and I was excited about it but I just can't and I haven't been in much of a reading mood since I put it down 😑
Now to find something that will hopefully bring me out of it.
I let my bf pick my first read of 2021 and he did NOT disappoint! Master of One is the fantasy heist that has been missing from my collection, I would definitely recommend! 4.5🌟
Thanks @wanderinglynn for hosting #BFC21 🎉 I really struggle to keep up with personal goals (especially fitness ones) so this is the perfect challenge for me!
Starting the month off with the tagged book, and then still have a few to round off from last year!