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A Man's Place
A Man's Place | Annie Ernaux
9 posts | 16 read | 3 to read
A New York Times Notable Book Annie Ernaux's father died exactly two months after she passed her practical examination for a teaching certificate. Barely educated and valued since childhood strictly for his labor, Ernaux's father had grown into a hard, practical man who showed his family little affection. Narrating his slow ascent towards material comfort, Ernaux's cold observation reveals the shame that haunted her father throughout his life. She scrutinizes the importance he attributed to manners and language that came so unnaturally to him as he struggled to provide for his family with a grocery store and cafe in rural France. Over the course of the book, Ernaux grows up to become the uncompromising observer now familiar to the world, while her father matures into old age with a staid appreciation for life as it is and for a daughter he cautiously, even reluctantly admires. A Man's Place is the companion book to her critically acclaimed memoir about her mother, A Woman's Story.
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La Place | Annie Ernaux
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Short read, but very interesting.
Definitely offers food for thoughts.
I read it for my French book club, and it led to a very engaging conversation.
As all autobiographical works, it's impossible to judge how a person feels or felt about their own experiences, but it's always nice to get someone's glimpse on a specific place and time.

*I lent my book, so instead enjoy this picture of free roaming bisons taken south of Custer, SD

Place | Annie Ernaux
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Maybe I should enforce a bookbuying ban again🙊 anyway, here are my latest purchases 😍

AmandaBlaze Love James Tynion IV's graphic novels. 1y
ju.ca.no @AmandaBlaze I haven‘t read many but the ones I‘ve read were really great! 1y
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La Place | Annie Ernaux
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Annie Erneaux is a beautiful writer. I started this the day before she won the Nobel. The English title is A Man's Place. It's autobiographical about her father, written in the early 1980s.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks 💛

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Man's Place | Annie Ernaux

Had a strong immune response to the newest omicron booster vaccine; but a day and a half down meant i read 3 unplanned titles. The employees (digital), Disgrace (print), and A man‘s place (audio). I had meant to see if I could reserve something by this author after the Nobel announcement because I was unfamiliar with her work and the prize description was intriguing. Most titles have holds of course, but this s short title was avail on audio.

La Place | Annie Ernaux
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Congrats to this author that just won the Nobel. I happened to start reading this yesterday. Weird coincidence.

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La Place | Annie Ernaux
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Liked it. Didn't love it

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A Man's Place | Annie Ernaux
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The Norwegian publisher has collected two of Ernaux‘s stories into one book.

The first story is about her father, his childhood and adult life. The second story is about her mother, her childhood and adult life. In telling her parents stories she tells the story of France in the 20th century, the relationship between children and parents, about class and upward mobility.

This was my #DoubleSpin for March @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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La Place | Annie Ernaux
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"J'écris peut-être parce qu'on n'avait plus rien à se dire".

La Place | Annie Ernaux
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