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Educated: A Memoir | Tara Westover
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I'm between a pick and a so-so, but I'll give it the higher rating because it may not be the book's fault.

Upon the sudden death of her husband, Waite discovers his affair(s), porn addiction, and time spent with escorts. This leads her on a complicated journey through her grief, which she recounts here with opened and candor.

I appreciated the raw nature of her story, and the ups and downs of her healing journey, but.... cont'd

TheKidUpstairs But I also had difficulty truly connecting with Waite. There is a good chance that this is down to the audio narration. Waite is a Canadian, living in Calgary, and the narrator didn't pronounce words like toque and ALBERTA properly. It was jarring, and i think really contributed to my disconnect from the emotional world of the book. So maybe if you're Canadian, stick with the written word for this one! 6h
suvata Stacked 5h
LeahBergen And I‘m assuming she didn‘t pronounce Calgary like a local, either. 😆 (Calgree) 5h
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I love an essay collection! Bonus points when the author is a millennial and close to my age—the case here. All about 90s pop culture like Disney movies and the Spice Girls, I found this so relatable, entertaining, and informative all at once. My only quibble: can we stop being (perhaps unintentionally?) judgy and condescending about choosing to have or not have children? 3rd book in a row that I encountered this, so maybe it‘s a me-thing.

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Faith, Hope and Carnage | Nick Cave, Sean O'Hagan
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17-9 Oct 24 (audiobook)
Wonderful series of interviews between Cave and an Irish journalist/friend that took place over the COVID years.
They do discuss Nick‘s influences, music and his formative years in Australia, but mostly the discussion relates to his spiritual and religious views, work ethic and the grief experienced in the aftermath of the death of Arthur and, to a lesser extent, his mother and Anita Lane.
Very thought-provoking.

LEGO: A Love Story | Jonathan Bender
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Just look at what Lego is releasing!

Texreader Yes!! 23h
TheKidUpstairs I love it! 23h
RowReads1 Cool! Do you know when? 22h
Pogue @RowReads1 October 28th to November 11th I think. I am not a Lego person. 22h
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Third time I start this book and I am committing to finishing it this time. Have already read 76 pages today and I am so invested!

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Meaty: Essays | Samantha Irby
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This author is very funny. And sometimes gross. But she gives me perspective like at least I have some of my shit figured out.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

#ARC #Netgalley this one is from 2018. Don't judge. I will clean up some of my mess. #Goals

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Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @peaKnit


1. My dad and my grandpa… I spent so much of my time with them when I was little and they both showed me what it was like to work hard for what you wanted
2. My mom… as I have gotten older, she has become one of my best friends!

@Mommamanzi @Pageturner1 @KateReadsYA

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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir | Frank McCourt
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I saw the photo and heard the name for years, never knowing what the story was about. After grabbing it at a local goodwill while hunting for memoir/biography books for a hospice patient, I finally know the story. At first it was hard to follow, given the writing style. This book is full of dark humor and tragedy, from the early years of the author‘s life. Death, deep poverty, Catholic weirdness. The story makes you more grateful. An⬇️

JenniferEgnor eye opening read that conjures empathy. Recommended. Amazon has the movie available to view; it stays very close to the book with few changes made. 1d
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