Mine was neither signed nor numbered, but I loved it none the less.
Mine was neither signed nor numbered, but I loved it none the less.
"Walk throught the walls" is Marina Abramović's memoir. I had very basic knowledge about her work so I decided to read this book when I stumbled upon it in the library. I have read it in a day! So interesting! It has definitely helped me to better understand Performance and Conceptual Art.
To be honest, I had no clue who Marina Abramovic is till I read this book. This was unlike any other autobiography I've read, I actually found this to be a page turner.
On a road trip on a beautiful Sunday morning with this book as a companion (and my family)
can't wait to start this... soon.......
Cant wait to start reading this book tonight. Hooray for Amazon warehouse! #nonfiction #booklove
Ein großartiges Buch, welches einem #Performance #Kunst näher bringt.
Meine #Rezension "Vier Tage lang blutige Rinderknochen schrubben – über die Autobiografie von Marina Abramović" ist hier zu finden: http://wp.me/p7xLo9-OQ
"Als ich den frenetischen Applaus des Publikums hörte, wusste ich, dass es mir gelungen war, eine unvorhergesehene Einheit von Gegenwart und Vergangenheit herzustellen, mit zufälligen Abweichungen." (S. 84) #Kunst #Performence #Abramovic
S. 25 Die Kindheit von Abramovic liest sich wie eine Gruselgeschichte. Sie wurde von ihrer Mutter geschlagen und von anderen Kindern gehänselt. Trotzdem ist sie nicht gänzlich zerbrochen, sondern hat ihre Kindheit in Stärke verwandelt. #Abramovic #Autobiografie #Kindheit
Die Biografie von Marina Abramovic ist faszinierend. Sie erzählt von ihrer Kindheit im kommunistischen Jugoslawien und vom langwierigen Prozeß, sich von der strengen und prüden Mutter zu trennen. Man kommt der großen Künstlerin ganz nah. Sie erklärt ihre Performances und man versteht die Grenzen, die sie dabei überwinden musste. Sind ihre frühen Projekte von Schmerz und Gefahr geprägt, sind spätere Aktionen konzentriert und ruhig.
Hey Marina, I'm not really sure I'm picking up what you're putting down, but you're endlessly fascinating! I'm thoroughly enjoying Abramović's memoir despite my lack of familiarity with performance art
Marina Abramovic is a fascinating woman. Also maybe more than a little crazy. I'm not saying that because of any of her performance pieces, but more because she thinks she communicated telepathically with Aboriginal people in Australia and believes in all kinds of weird crystal stuff. if you think she's a dangerous satanist you should probably avoid the book but otherwise you might find the look into the beginnings of performance art interesting.
This memoir was everything I would expect from a talented and interesting artist like Abramovic. She tells the stories of her troubled childhood in the former Yugoslavia that clearly show how she was shaped to embrace the discipline and darkness required for her art. She describes many of her former performance pieces and her travels are envious. This memoir is not for the faint of heart, but I recommend giving it a try!
I kind of want to try this complaining to a tree thing...
Still loving this book, but this woman...she's a true artist in the craziest sense of that word.
Hilariously, she was just talking about how she had a very short-lived job as a mail carrier. She decided to only deliver the mail which was hand-addressed. She threw away everything else, "especially the bills."
As we continue to mediate on fear and where it stems from in our country...
I'm starting RIGHT NOW. *cancels all meetings, refuses to answer phone, ignores emails*