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One Hundred Flowers | Georgia O'Keeffe
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I wasn‘t expecting the miniature version of 100 Flowers to be quite this miniature, but ever since I discovered miniature versions of coffee table art books I‘ve been looking for (used if possible) ones to look at in bed when I‘m too sick to read or watch TV, so maybe a truly tiny one is actually just what I needed. I can keep it by my bed right within reach. #theuniversealwaysknowsbest

The Story of Art | E. H. Gombrich
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This was an incredible book, but a total sausage fest.

It gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for being an inspiring, colourful, accessible, engaging volume, and for giving me a grounding in art knowledge that I didn't think possible from one book.

Art is discussed from a Eurocentric position, only ONE female artist is featured and some of the language is culturally insensitive to the modern ear, but this remains an outstanding work.

Thirsty for more now!

Suet624 Glad you got so much out of this! 3mo
Branwen Oooooh this sounds lovely! 💕 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Suet624 @Branwen I adored it. I feel really guilty because I'm now reading The Story of Art Without Men and I'm missing Gombrich's enthusiasm and zeal. He made me care about some truly iffy paintings!!!! Shame it was so bloke-heavy 😅 3mo
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The Story of Art | E. H. Gombrich
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Educating ourselves on the history of art.

Pickles says that whilst appreciating the vitality of Rubens' work, she finds it a bit grainy and aesthetically prefers the softness in the portraiture of Raphael...

Just kidding. She's a philistine.

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey Pickles 🐾😽 4mo
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The Story of Art | E. H. Gombrich
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Trying to read about the history of art when a wild Circlefloof appeared 😐

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww sweet Pickles 🐾❤️ 4mo
Jari-chan 😻😻😻 4mo
Soubhiville Pickles! 🥒💚 4mo
Ruthiella Pickles recommends you take a nap instead. 😻 4mo
dabbe Pickles: “Mom, see my arse? Means I want the book gone and attention paid to moi!“ #preciouspickles 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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Today‘s scores from the Little Free Library on the way to my 3 hrs of ballet. It‘s going to be a lovely day. It‘s warm already. On my walk home I‘ll visit another book swap. Then I have nothing to do for the rest of the weekend but I will grab a chai, go to the beach, drink champagne in my pjs and cook up a storm ready for more work lunches and ballet dinners. I suppose I best do a bit of housework too 😢 eg change the sheets.

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The Monet exhibit was wonderful!

Bookwormjillk Was it the one where they project it all around the room? 4mo
Susanita @Bookwormjillk Yes! It‘s at the same place that had the Van Gogh exhibit earlier. 4mo
Bookwormjillk @Susanita I saw that in Asheville and loved it. Such a different experience. 4mo
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Chrissyreadit I‘m sorry glad!!! 4mo
Chrissyreadit not sorry- SO! I bet it was gorgeous 4mo
Susanita @Chrissyreadit I wondered! 😆 It was beautiful. 4mo
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The Story of Art | E. H. Gombrich
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I'm getting a bit of a whistle-shop tour of the history of architecture with The Story of Art.

Gombrich explains things in a simplified, narrative way that makes it easy to understand. I'm hoping this will help me when I go back to the more complicated books on architecture that I was struggling to digest.

I'm looking forward to getting to the paintings though.

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🎨Monet exhibit with my sister

🐺The Grey Wolf



Cupcake12 Sounds like a good week. Thanks for joining in x 4mo
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Pablo Picasso: 1881-1973. The works 1937-1973 | Pablo Picasso, Carsten-Peter Warncke
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Picasso deep dive 😂🎨🖼️🖌️ #nerd

CBee 😍😍😍😍 5mo
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Pablo Picasso: 1881-1973. The works 1937-1973 | Pablo Picasso, Carsten-Peter Warncke
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