Sly little reference on the new Queer Eye reboot!
Let's read a murder mystery thriller while camping alone! Great idea! That being said, Great Basin National Park is ugly and horrible. Nobody should ever go to this hidden gem in the NPS system ;)
I can identify with the subject of this book
Campy and ridiculous. First half was fun and creepy, second half was just bizarre and dumb for me. I thought the characters were pretty flat. But I read it in two sittings and never wanted to DNF. Also, points for originality and IKEA catalogue format.
Roxane Gay is an author I enjoyed and admired before I read Hunger. Now that I've finished her latest memoir, I can't wait to devour everything she's written! Pulling Difficult Women off the TBR shelf very soon!
This book is a bit bizarre, but I'm diggin it so far
While I enjoyed my first read of the year (Hillbilly Elegy), I'm dying to get lost in something fantastical and just plain fun! Hoping this will do the trick!
First book of the year! Off to a good start 👍
Already broke my New Years resolution and came home with six new books from my local Indie bookstore's New Years Sale! Buy local!!!!
Hey Marina, I'm not really sure I'm picking up what you're putting down, but you're endlessly fascinating! I'm thoroughly enjoying Abramović's memoir despite my lack of familiarity with performance art
I just feel so "meh" about this. Is that bad? A coworker lent it to me so I could see what all the fuss is about, but I just don't count it as an official story of the HP universe
I wanted to underline everything in this book, but there was just something uniquely beautiful about this particular description..
"..the only thing that 100 percent of rapes have in common is a rapist. You can shroud women from head to toe, forbid them alcohol, imprison them in their homes- and there will still be rape."
These books can take me a while to get sucked into, but once they do.. Damn this is good.
Reason Number 73 why I love working three 12-hour shifts a week: reading in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon and catching up on Goodreads challenges.
I blew through the first half of this book, hit a wall and then didn't pick it up for several weeks. I was skeptical about being able to get back into it. It's hard to judge a book as a whole when you take such a long break. But I finished the last half in one night and ended up thoroughly enjoying it! Loved the setting and the character development. I read a lot of WW2 books, it seems, and they tend to be plot heavy. This book was a nice change!
I tried to savor this book as slowly as I could. Terry Tempest Williams is so inspiring! I ran out of tabs marking my favorite passages in this book, and it ends with the greatest quote by her friend Doug Peacock: "We lose nothing by loving." Will be rereading this book many more times!
Best birthday gift ever! Combining my love of books and national park nerdiness!
So happy with my BOTM club pick! Completely engrossed!
This was a great audiobook experience. I tend to have a short attention span with audiobooks, so nonfiction/essay collections are ideal. Lots of head-nodding with this one. Enjoyed the narrator as well.
Got my signed copy today! I went to an event last night where Terry Tempest Williams read excerpts from this book and the National Parks (a Utah band) played songs in between. She's such a lovely human! So glad to live in the same state as her!
Brb, sobbing. Really enjoyed listening this on audio. Spurred a lot of angry head ranting to invisible debate opponents. Highly, highly recommend!!
A cookbook that I'm finding myself reading like a bookbook! Teigan has a cute sense of humor
So far a very tragic, but beautifully written memoir. Klebold's grief is almost tangible #botm
I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would! It had some genuinely creepy moments (lookin' at you, Neeve) and I liked the Virginia setting. I will read the other three books, but they may not be my first priority for a little while.
I enjoyed this book but it didn't leave a huge impact. It was very engaging and I can't resist a story set in New York, but overall, it's greatest attribute is how pretty it's going to look while collecting dust on my bookshelves!
I've been put off by YA for a while, but I hear so many good things about this series. Now that it's a complete series, I guess I'll give it a try!
This book, this book, this book.. I felt as though TTW was translating so many of my own emotions into verse. If a book can be a soulmate, When Women Were Birds is mine. Thank you, Terry Tempest Williams.
I enjoyed the ride, but overall I felt like it ended like a bad Lifetime movie.
I've tried everything to get out of my reading slump, and I think this thriller will finally do the trick!! Thanks @Liberty for bringing this book to my attention as a Book of the Month pick!
Will this be the book to get me out of my reading slump??!!
You had me at "imagine if Jane Austen got angry." Feels good to get back into this series
I'm really excited about this series!