The Bastard Sons of Oedipus: Episode 10 with special guest Thommy Waite
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The Bastard Sons of Oedipus: Episode 10 with special guest Thommy Waite
#athinsliceofanxiety #thebastardsonsofoedipus #podcast #trangressivefiction #authors
“I am the annoying twat at the party who has a flash of inspiration and then spends the next five minutes trying to get the bones of the thing down within the 'Notes' section of my iPhone.”
Interview: The Transgressions of Thommy Waite
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Book review for Any Day You Can Die by Thommy Waite
#athinsliceofanxiety #anydayyoucandie #transgressivefiction #transgression #transgressiveliterature #expatlife #expat #crypto #drugsdrugsdrugs