Check out what arrived from Thunderstorm Books! I‘m so honored to have one of these amazing special editions on my shelf! Congrats again, Brennan!
Check out what arrived from Thunderstorm Books! I‘m so honored to have one of these amazing special editions on my shelf! Congrats again, Brennan!
Happy #pubday to Brennan LaFaro! In honor of Slattery Falls launching today, I'm hosting an interview with Brennan where we chat about his favorite book and author, if he has experience with something paranormal or unexplained, and much more!
Check it out below and make sure to pick up a copy of Slattery Falls today!
Slattery Falls by Brennan LaFaro is an eerie, tension-filled tale about three friends that have an interest in the paranormal.
Have you ever finished a book and immediately started it over again? For the first time in my reading experience, that‘s what happened here. I loved absolutely everything about it.