This is from different artists, and it has some good experiments, but I prefer the originals. It does provide some good back and side stories. #comics
This is from different artists, and it has some good experiments, but I prefer the originals. It does provide some good back and side stories. #comics
Cute short stories that illustrate backgrounds to various characters in this series 💞
I am well and truly pissing myself over finding Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur at the library today. AHHHHHH. Finally got my mitts on Lumberjanes vol 3 and Gotham Academy too, and the next volumes of Princeless. #holla #mydoctorhasurgedmetoexercisemore #ilegithateexercise #soivebeenwalkingtothelibrarythisweektoreturnbooks #thathasbeenmyexercise #thelibraryistheonlyshininglightinthisshittysituation #yetagain #blessthelibrary #thatisall