Not a quick and easy read, but thought provoking and contemplative. Liked the concept of a black immortal trying to trace her own history.
Not a quick and easy read, but thought provoking and contemplative. Liked the concept of a black immortal trying to trace her own history.
I saw the poor ratings on this so went to goodreads and read some 5* reviews to set a positive stage for my experience. Well, nice try. I like the MC as Lou in 1930s LA, and I was very intrigued by the history in that time and place. I didn‘t understand the time travel aspects until it was too late. I also think I should have come away with some new perspective on the last crazy few years in America, but that was lost on me too.
Thought provoking. Spanning an extensive timeline and several lives, this book is at once challenging and timely. The author weaves current events, phrases, values, arguments, beliefs into the past and future in a way that makes the reader ask if anything ever changes or if anything new ever happens. It‘s worth reading. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So well written and such an interesting premise, but a whole lot of nothing happens. Sometimes abstraction makes a story soar. Here, it made the story fall flat.
The Goodreads reviews for this book aren‘t great, and I get why. The premise of multiple lives and reincarnation is interesting, but the author doesn‘t do anything remotely interesting with it. It all felt pointless. Anyone looking for that type of storyline might want to check out Alex Landragin‘s Crossings instead. I felt it was much more successful and impactful. #BotM
Not much happens in this beautifully written book about a Black immortal who wakes up in 1930s Los Angeles without remembering much of her past or who she really is. It nevertheless managed to hold my attention. I think that‘s because the story is populated with interesting characters, the premise is intriguing, & the writing really is THAT good. Bottom line, I didn‘t mind the languid pace of the book, liked the characters, and enjoyed the story.
The cover on tonight‘s book is really eye-catching. 😍
"The point is," Mr. Hill said, "We have to engage in our world or the world will only show you who you are. Or what you expected.”
This is the first month in a while I didn‘t go with a thriller but the Perishing sounded too good to pass up. As for the add on, I‘ve long been a fan of the movie but have never read the book. ♥️
I am docking 0.5 stars for lack of closure. I have so many questions. I need to know the backstories of the others. Please tell me, this is NOT a stand alone novel.
Shoutout to a book-friend who's review of the book bumped it up on my TBR. And thank you to @netgalley & @counterpointpress for sending me an ARC.
And applause and appreciation to @natashiadeon for this masterpiece. Your writing is gorgeous, poignant, thoughtful and provocative.