Who always carries book, no matter where we go!
Who always carries book, no matter where we go!
2 chapters in and the tears are coming already. 😕😖😢😭
This book was so touching it's hard to put into words. I would have NEVER picked up a book about wrestling, but won this copy and figured it was worth a try. Now I will recommend it to everyone! You will laugh and cry...every page will being out your sympathy for these amazing boys.
Had a wonderful day at the zoo with my family, now I'm going to finish my book!!
Making my hubby go pick the kids up from school (it's raining otherwise we'd walk!) so I get a half hour of quiet, uninterrupted reading time :)
Can't believe how much I am enjoying this (nonfiction) book!!
Can't believe how much I am enjoying this (nonfiction) book!!
"But in watching Jayda, I began to see that parenthood doesn't demand perfection. It demands grace- for the completion of the journey, for resolving to be the hero the child needs, and for letting go."