#AboutABook #ShortButPowerful I can‘t remember exact details but I remember really liking this book! 😁
#AboutABook #ShortButPowerful I can‘t remember exact details but I remember really liking this book! 😁
#HumbleHarvest #Novella I read this years ago and remember loving it , couldn‘t tell you why now though. I will say not everyone loves Nabokov , this is one of his later books. Maybe a novella is the way to go to give him a try!
Switzerland. Or blind Americans in Switzerland. Or just blind readers. VN tells us on page one: “Novices must learn to skim over matter if they want matter to stay at the exact level of the moment.” Insulted and confused, hopefully playfully (?), we must press on another 25 pages before sense begins to be made of Hugh Person‘s love of the unlovable Armande. A confusing thought-provoking sad and playful late novella. ymmv, I think.
My next book. It‘s only 104 pages. Hopefully I‘ll figure what that this is about before I read them all.
“At Cornell University,my professor of European literature, Vladimir Nabokov,changed the way I read and the way I write.Words could paint pictures,I learned from him.Choosing the right word,and the right word order,he illustrated, could make an enormous difference in conveying an image or an idea.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg
RIP Renaissance Woman.