Finished Death in Soho, & my section due this week for #sundaybuddy read, Last Summer at the Golden Hotel.
Started A Different Kind of Evil- its creepy! On ch. 8 of Something Blue, #audiopiceprocedural. Just a few pages of the other two.
Finished Death in Soho, & my section due this week for #sundaybuddy read, Last Summer at the Golden Hotel.
Started A Different Kind of Evil- its creepy! On ch. 8 of Something Blue, #audiopiceprocedural. Just a few pages of the other two.
This is the outdoor shower I have been enjoying these past few days. I love taking a shower while open to the sky above!
I have been in Westerly RI with my family & our “bestie” family friends. Been busy making meals together, beaching together, etc. only reading getting done before bed- so very little! Before We left I had finished up the top row of books. I only brought with me Last Summer at the Golden Hotel & Death in Soho is on my phone. I may not get to Levertov or Ghosts until I return home. #sundaybuddyread #July10toJuly16