This was a very difficult read for me but is essential reading for everyone 5 ⭐️
This was a very difficult read for me but is essential reading for everyone 5 ⭐️
As a chronically ill/disabled person I can confirm this is true and the worst offenders, in my experience, have been medical professionals
102 pages in, and 102 reasons to despise the incumbent Westminster government. As an abled person I'm finding it somewhat traumatic to read, hence my slow progress. I can barely imagine what it's been like for vulnerable disabled people to actually live through it 😔
"Part II: Targeting Disabled People: Retrogressive legislation and policy since 2010"
I'm sending Frankie to get me the tranquillisers I'm going to need to get through this section on - what has been in all but name - the Tories' 21st century eugenics programme ???
"The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate."
- Winston Churchill, in a letter to Prime Minister Asquith, advocating the forced sterilisation of disabled people. Not my idea of a national hero.
"Knowing our history is important. It helps us understand that what we face in our current time is socially constructed and can therefore be altered. It gives us greater insights into the workings of the forces that oppress us. It gives us evidence with which to challenge the myths and false assumptions that dominate popular ideas about disability. Lessons from the past can help us shape and build a more effective resistance in the present.”✊
"The book...draws a distinction between impairment and disability. Disability consists of the barriers that a person with impairment experiences as a result of the way in which society is organised that excludes or devalues them...Preferred terminology in Britain is to describe people as disabled - because they are disabled by society - not people 'with disabilities', which makes no sense from a social model [of disability] perspective."
I'm expecting to be saddened and enraged in equal measure by this one. Written in 2020, the recent callous pronouncements by the UK's current Prime Sinister on cutting back on "handouts" shows how viciously the present adminstration is still prepared to wage their class war against those people society has made amongst its most vulnerable.
Home after our jaunt to Manchester, a wonderful city to visit. Stretched the book-buying amnesty with a quick dive into The People's History Museum, where I bought the tagged book and Philosophy of Care. The Bowie was the final straw, so no acquisitions from the Pankhurst Centre, but an inspiring place see. Popped into Bird and Blend and popped out with Mojitea (green tea, mint & lime), to go with the peppermint chocolate from Hotel Chocolat 😌