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Truthful Deceptions: Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Truthful Deceptions: Every Rose Has It's Thorn | Edna L Myles
Janet Adams is a successful attorney at one of the top law firms in D.C.. She is fulfilling her lifeA[a¬a[s dream by being the youngest person to ever make partner at the firm. SheA[a¬a[s engaged to a very prominent marketing exec, Jackson Alexander, who very deeply adores her. Janet had always lived a very sheltered life, but in no time at all she discovers the truth about her close-knit family. When it all hits the fan, will her supportive fiancAA(c) and her best friends Jackie and Dexter Maxwell be enough to pull her through the storm? When she thinks the answers are where they arenA[a¬a[t, sheA[a¬a[ll look to her mother to fill in the blanks, though she ends up with more questions than answers. It seems that everyone has his or her own secrets, and each one affects Janet worse than the one before it. The one thing sheA[a¬a[s certain of is that it all started with the arrival of one Kimberly Williams. She is definitely key to the chaos that Janet calls her life. The one thing that no one knows is where it will all end, or who will be left standing when it all blows up.
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