“Yes the days are long in the summer and the sun is the king in the sky”
“Yes the days are long in the summer and the sun is the king in the sky”
I enjoyed this book it was about nature and the outdoors more in depth almost.
“Yes, the days are long. In the summer, and the sun is king of the sky.”
I like how this poetry book is about nature and the outdoors.
Yes, the days are long in the summer. The sun is the king of the sky.
I loved the characters and the illustrations in this book.
Great book using poetry to talk about the outdoors and seasons
I love these poems super easy and fun to read
This book is a collection of short poems that are short and sweet. They are traditional poems that focus on the outdoors and rhyme patterns. A great way introduce poems.
“Yes, the days are long In the summer, And the sun is king of the sky.”
I loved the illustrations and the diverse characters that were drawn.
I like this book. I like that it was about nature and the outdoors.